Five days now. Love the bike. Love the style. Love the build. But, nothing is any good if it don't work. I can jump on my Zephyr CDN, twist and go forward no problem. With the Big Bear, no matter how low the power setting or throttle movement, the front wheel will just not grip the road, it just spins and sends me sideways. It will eventually find traction and take me up any hill, hit and miss all the way up. It's obvious to me what the problem is. I am too light at under 9 stone. It's like putting a Mini engine in the back of the car and using front wheel drive. The bike description needs to be revised and described as suitable only for the heavier person. I have emailed Woosh and asked their opinion on my idea of me fitting a front Dutch cargo rack to my bike and adding 10-15kg of weight over the front wheel. My mail has been forwarded to their tech team and i await their response.
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