Freego Eagle, my first E-Bike


Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 13, 2009
Welwyn Garden City

Many thanks for the update. Martin at Freego is looking into a crossbar version for me to try so excellent service from them already.

What happens on the Eagle when you exceed 15 miles per hour (if you do)? I presume that the motor cuts out and is it a smooth feeling or are you aware that you suddenly have no assistance. I only have experience of a throttle only kit and an not sure what to expect.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
In lowest pedelec assist mode, the assistance will cease at about 8.5 mph, it's a fairly smooth transition. In medium assist there is more power and torque and the bike will breeze along at about 12 mph with very light pedalling.

On full power, in pedelec mode with just very light pedalling I cruise at 17 to 18 mph. If I back off the pedal pressure and just 'pedal air' then the bike eases back to 15.5 on the flat.

The transition is more or less seamless, I can't tell exactly when the power is gone. I have ridden a Panasonic crank drive which had a very abrupt power off switch which was awful.

The power on the Eagle stays with you at all speeds so at say 18 mph, the motor is providing the 15.5, and your pedalling accounts for just the extra 3.5 mph. It means I can peddle away in a relaxed manner whilst cruising 17 to 20 mph for hours without my knee swelling up.

Hope that helps, I'm off out now for a swift 25 miler in the sunshine. Cheers.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 13, 2009
Welwyn Garden City

Many thanks for letting me know your experience of this. I had a concern that there might be a jolt when one reached the various power assistance level thresholds but from what you say, it is a smooth transition which is good to hear. I assume that you move up the gears as well to keep pace with the bike so to speak?

I am sure that I will think of something else to ask but hopefully will be able to have a better test ride shortly on a crossbar version so looking forward to that.

I hope that you have a good ride today and that the sun keeps shining in East Sussex.

All the best



Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 5, 2010
Waiting for delivery from Southampton to my local dealer of my new (2nd) Eagle.
Due next week.
How's things going with yours after a year ???


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
Hi Appetito,

What better recommendation than to buy another Eagle.:eek:

I just responded to your other post. My Eagle is still blasting along, and so far has been reliable as a stone. I am infatuated with all the fun and adventures I have enjoyed over the last 11 months.

Shortly after my first anniversary next month, I shall of course append a lengthy and detailed report of everything, and its going to be a fairly glowing report.

Until then!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
Eagle Update.

In the interests of completeness I thought it’s time for an update on my Freego Eagle, which I have owned for a little over 12 months now.

Further to previous missives, I am very pleased to say that there is not a great deal I can add to previous reviews above, because there have been no problems of significance. Nonetheless, I append the following.

The Eagle has travelled 1826 fun miles as of last week. All of this has been leisure riding with a few local chores thrown in. The bike has been reliable as a stone and has never let me down. Mostly the riding is on tarmac, but a fair bit of off-roading has been done, I would estimate around 150 miles off road. This is largely due to the South Downs Way being only 15 miles away, and I have enjoyed many an hour of fun going on mini adventures to discover places new, with my handy thermos flask and extensive puncture repair kit, of which more later.

What problems have there been? Well, not a lot, perhaps I have just been lucky, although I am fastidious about maintenance and keeping the bike clean, and it has been caked in mud a few times. The motor has cut out on two separate occasions after hitting a large pothole, the second of which also broke a spoke and bent two others whilst putting me in the hedge with a ‘pulverised perineum’ the bruising took a while to clear !! Despite this violence, I switched off the power at the key and turned it back on and everything worked just fine. I had to ride home around 10 miles, but whilst riding, there were no issues despite the spoke damage. The wheel rim appeared to come through it all unscathed.

When I contacted Freego and explained what had occurred, they sent, by return, a pack of spokes without charging a penny, even though I had stated it was my own fault. Great service.

Another issue at around 800 miles was that the rear brake lever cut out switch would get a bit sticky occasionally. It was fine in the dry and in heavy rain, but usually would occur on misty, foggy nights, (on the way home from the Pub). It was never an issue, and a few brisk flicks of the lever resolved the problem. I removed and inspected the switch, blasted it with WD40 and re-installed it and it’s been fine since. I did wonder if this issue might cause a problem a long way from home, but another call to Freego was made and all was revealed. The chap I spoke to clearly knew the bike in great detail and was most helpful. He explained how the system was wired so I could disconnect the brake switch in a couple of minutes if I needed to out in the field, to get home. As it happens it’s never been a problem since. I was offered a replacement switch under warranty but I felt this wasn’t necessary, but it’s nice to know that Freego have knowledgeable staff who want to help.

I have endured many punctures, 10 or more. All but two were Blackthorne hedge cuttings left on the road. Most of these occurred over a 10 week period in late Spring when Farmer Giles gets his flail mower going. I’ve had the same twice on a motorcycle tyre and once on the car, so I can’t really blame the tyres. I intend to fit some Shwalbes soon, but an aversion to wasting anything makes me continue with the Kenda tyres until they are a bit more worn, and to be honest I don’t think there is any tyre that will prevent the big thorns getting through. I’ve not had any punctures for some months now, but at least I have become most proficient at popping a new tube in.

The Tektro disc brakes have been fine and they work well, although they do require regular fettling to keep them adjusted and free from squeaking. I may fit some snappy hydraulic ones at a later date, but the Tektro’s do the job just fine.

That’s the sum total of problems encountered, everything else has been just dandy. The battery is still the biggest feature, providing really useful range. This is important for me as mostly I ride around 30 to 45 miles at a time and there are some big hills to deal with around this part of Sussex, and I always get back home with power to spare. Only once have I flattened the battery to the point of cutting out, (except when I conditioned the battery when I first acquired it). By using low power it still gave some assistance for the last 3 miles home and didn’t cut out a second time. But this was after 61 miles, including some off road and plenty of hill climbing, a range I am very happy with. If the battery has lost any capacity, I can’t say I’ve noticed so far.

Generally, I use the pedelec function for 90% of the time and apply some pedal power almost all the time. I do use the throttle for moderating assistance in heavy traffic, and also to moderate speed when riding with others on ‘ordinary’ bicycles. I use the throttle all the time when riding in the woods or off road.

In particular, I have been very impressed with the paint finish. The white metallic paint is rock hard, and is totally unmarked to this day. Even where cables rub against the frame there seems to be no marking of the finish. Top marks for quality. After a wash and wipe down, it still looks like new, and as such I expect the bike to last a long time.

Performance and power are still good, in fact it seems to have got a little faster. In summer months on the flat it will do 16.2 mph throttle only as opposed to the 15.5 mph when it was new, hardly a big difference but encouraging it’s not getting slower.

Whilst the basic design is perhaps a tad agricultural, I believe the bike has been sorted and developed over some years to make a very useable machine. The gears are about right for the power range available. It’s still the most comfortable bike I have ridden. The quick adjust stem is actually very useful. Up on the downs I have the bars low and forward, and for general road use I raise them up and back for extra comfort. Initially I felt this was a gimmick, but it has turned out to be a really good feature.

The maximum speed I have attained is 47.6 mph down a long steep hill. I might have made 50, but conditions dictated that was enough if I was going to stop at the bottom.

I have ridden seven different ebikes over the year, including my pre purchase research, including Bosch and Panasonic crank drives. None were duffers, but still today, I think I would buy the same bike again, it just does what I want very competently, and it’s great fun. I may still buy an extra bike, probably with a Bosch crank drive, just for some serious off roading, but not to replace the Eagle.

Without drivelling on for ages, that’s about it for the Eagle. It’s been bloody great and I fully expect to enjoy many years of fun ******ing about on it.

I have really enjoyed the ebike experience far more than I imagined. Perhaps it is the rediscovery of childhood adventures, perhaps it’s the ease of getting to the pub. I am fortunate to have two large motorcycles and a two seat light aircraft in my toybox. Sometimes, whilst cruising the sunny skies of Sussex I have found myself wanting to get back early, just so I can do more e-cycling! As a lifelong biker and aeroplane nut, this is most unexpected, and very welcome, as it cuts down the fuel costs that have been the bain of my finances for three decades.

For my part, personally, riding an ebike has been a complete revelation. I was smitten within 10 seconds of first riding one, and I enjoy it even more now than at first. I have had major health benefits from riding ebikes. It has motivated me to get fit again and eat a better diet which is important in my 57th year on the planet. In short, I have lost 12 kilos in weight, my waist measurement has reduced by 5 inches and my fitness has increased dramatically, which in turn increases the range available to me. But best of all, the physiotherapic effects of light pedalling have almost completely cured my dodgy left knee. I rather thought an ebike might make the pain more bearable for short rides, but in fact it has cured what the medical profession told me would never get better. This alone makes my foray into e-cycling one of the best decisions I have ever made, and as such Ladies and Gentlemen, I heartily commend it to you all. Fan-bloody-tastic!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Thanks Eaglerider what a great update, sounds like you have certainly found your perfect bike !

Nothing better to bring a smile to an E-biker than reading about the happy experiences of another like minded E-biking fan :D

Sounds like you intend to have many more happy years cycling....well, dont we all :cool:

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012

great review. Although I have not done anything like the mileage you have, I have also found the bike to be great fun, without any serious problems, with one small exception. I noticed some chips on the paintwork. Don't know how they got there, but I contacted Freego and they sent me a small pot of paint FOC. As you say great service. The only other small niggle has been some sqeaking from front forks and brakes, but these are just minor and I am sure not exclusive to Freego. Just now waiting for a Cree T6 front light which my son is buying me for xmas, so hoping to get out for some nice nightime riding . I am fortunate in that where I live there are many old railway lines that ahve been converted to cycle/walking trails and I only have to travel about 300yds on road before getting on one. Then there are about 40 miles without touching a road. Happy days



Jul 11, 2012
West Sussex
Another splendid update Eaglerider, and I look forward to accompanying you on more ebike adventures soon (preferably in more clement conditions than we are currently experiencing). There really is nothing quite like popping out for a bit of a nip.

On which point, I look forward to blowing you into the weeds on that downhill section alluded to above. You just got lucky on that occasion.... ;-)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2008
....excellent thread Eaglerider...I've been considering a replacement ebike (my fifth) for over a year now.
Six months ago as a stop gap I bought another UM44 U Sprite (my second)
I have been pleased with it but I cannot say I have felt any great exhilaration as you appear to on a Freego.This has been a disappointment with all the bikes....Freego is on my shortlist.

Unfortunately there are few ebike dealers in my area, but I believe there is a Freego dealer some
30 miles away.


Sep 5, 2013

I noted that someone mentioned that they are managing to ride up hills in 3rd with maximum assist. I do the shown ride, or variations of it, quite regularly and have never been able to do the steeper hills in anything other than 1st or 2nd fr some of the less arduous ones.

Does anyone else have to use 1st on a regular basis?

PS Can someone tell me how to import Mapmyride info into a post, please?
Last edited:


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 20, 2012
the Cornish Alps
I guess it's very much depenent on the particular bike & rider, as to whether you use 1st & spin or 3rd & honk.

There's one hill down here I have never got up on any of 3 bikes, so I thought I'd have a go on the new one...

Popped it into 1st on the granny ring & spun like stink: All was well until halfway up when the front wheel started lifting under power - finished-up with me going ar§e-over-tip, landing on the point of my backside & having a somewhat uncomfortable 10 miles home.

That hill's signed as 28%, but looks like 45 degrees in photos.hill 28.jpg


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
Hi Everyone. I've been looking through some old threads.

I thought another update was due regarding the above. I have been riding my Freego Eagle for around 9 years now, and I'm very pleased to report that it is still going strong. I'm still on the battery that Insat built around 4 years ago and that's still providing good service.

I estimate the bike has done around 15000 miles, the battery in the speedo went flat last year and I haven't got around to replacing it, but I did splash out on a Garmin GPS thingy which all adds to the fun.

I looked at replacing the bike a few months back, but there isn't much to tempt me really, the Eagle is working just fine so why waste the money eh!

I still get around 100 miles a month in and use the bike for explorational adventures and of course down to the pub and local chores. I thoroughly enjoy my ebiking activities very much and it is now a standard part of my life. I'm sure that without it my fitness would be terrible and I would probably be a few stone heavier, so it's a win win with an Ebike.

I trust you are all well and thriving in these challenging times, and in the meantime my edict for the day is, as ever, "get out and ride, it's later than you think".


Dec 23, 2008
Hi Eaglerider, my Freego Eagle is 10.5 years old and still going strong. Only things I've changed are tyres, brake pads and a few broken spokes. Bottom bracket is starting to creak a little, so that's next on the list. The bikes been used for commuting and leisure, mainly leisure of late and certainly through March to October I am out on it 3 to 4 times a week ranging from 15 to 30 miles. Believe it or not I am still on the original battery and recently rode a 30 mile mixed terrain ride with still 2 bars left on the battery. For the last 3 years I have intended upgrading to a new bike but every time I take the first ride of the year I change my mind. Great bike.