balancing charger for A123 batteries
Hi you two!
Very reassuring that you are still there providing moral support and technical advice to people like me
So, I'm looking into this balancing charger business, and hoping for a bit of advice. I've tried to track down the Nanophosphate Sonic Charge (AQR400088) which is the recommended charger for A123 batteries, but (a) seems to be discontinued/out of stock everywhere and (b) I think it may only work on battery packs with up to 3 cells and these ebike packs I think have 6 cells, or 12?? not sure.
So what else should I go for? And how does it work? Do I just balance them every so often through those white tabs with the coloured wires going in, or get a new charger that balances every time?? it's all a bit of a strange new world for me.
Re: my existing charger. My husband has recently started using my precious bike as well, and he basically broke my charger...well, what happened is that somehow the 'socket' of the charger (the bit that the connector from the battery goes into) came detached from the wires, and ended up attached to the dean's connector of the battery, with some loose wires then hanging out. I never saw this so appreciate it sounds unlikely. Anyway, hubby didn't notice and then these wires happened to brush against the brake lever of the bike, and there was an almighty bang and a huge scorch mark on the shelf and a melted bit of the gear lever!!!!

Luckily nothing was damaged, including hubby, and the battery is still working ok. An electrical engineer fixed the socket back onto the right bit of the charger, saying that it was 'highly dangerous' and I need to get a new charger asap!!
Just thought I'd pass that on for what it's worth.
Overall, I totally heart my bike though. None of the other ebikes match the lightness and portability of this system as far as I can tell, even though the wiring is clearly somewhat dodge.
Caroline xx