Flecc 20,000 Today?

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
:Great post Flecc,

It reminds me of one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. Whilst on a Church holiday with the "Pathfinders" on the Norfolk Broads we were all having a "jolly" church type sing-song and everyone in the mixed group of 14/15 year olds was taking turns introducing a new song.

I racked my brains for a nice clean ditty and remembered an old car journey song my family used to sing on the way for a couple of weeks in the rain under canvas in North Wales. I am sure you know it, it starts "Oh Jemima look at your uncle Jim, He's in the duck pond learning how to swim. Unfortunately I didn't get the name quite right. Unlike the kids of today I knew some words hadn't a clue what they meant and sang at the top of my voice (solo)...... Oh (Sounds like Regina) look at your uncle Jim etc, :eek: suffice to say I was never invited on a Church outing again!!

All the best

David :D


Oct 25, 2006
Brilliant David! Bet you've been markedly reluctant to sing in company ever since. :eek:

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Unfortunately not Flecc any chance I have to embarrass my self I still seem to embrace! At a recent very boozy evening in Kunshan with the Japanese management of Dapu and the Chinese management of Geoby we all had to sing a song from our country and of course toast each and every singer "Gambay" with tiny glass of a clear and seemingly innocuous liquid.

There were fourteen of us in total, I was sitting next to Anthony Clyde our NZ dealer and was 14th in line!!! The first round was great Anthony gave a very convincing Haka "Ringa pakia!" etc and in defence of old England I sang Swing Low Sweet Chariot (without the actions) to an appreciative ripple of applause. By the time it was my second turn to sing (24 small innocuous shots later) all I could think of was the charming sea chanty.......

Do your B**ls hang low?
Can you swing them to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a Bow?
Do you get a funny feeling when you slap them on the Ceiling?
Oh you'll never be a sailor till your B***ls hang low.

The once po faced group of Oriental gentlemen (yes and ladies) sat in stunned silence for about 5 seconds (seemed like a life time). And then collapsed in hysterical fits of laughter (thank God!).

Now when ever I visit China I have to give them a chorus!

Happy days! ;)


Oct 25, 2006
Even more brilliant, that could have gone so very wrong!

I can imagine that being very much Anthony's scene though, as the Aussies would have it, all New Zealanders are completely mad. :D

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Yes he is bonkers, but a smashing bloke. He's mixed Irish and Maori very strange! In the hight of summer when there is a full moon he takes his wife and 5 and 6 year old girls down to the beach with drums to meet a group of friends to drum at the moon. Absolutely my kind of evening.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
flecc>to achieve 20,000 rubbish posts would have been an achievement, but as a newbie to this business I must say that I respect that every one of those posts is interesting,technically correct and helpful to so many...well done and thanks....Dave,KudosCycles


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Gambay-Bottoms up!

This is the killer method that every Chinese supplier softens up every European buyer-it always amazes me that I end up 'Gambay' a full glass-ok where do I sign the contract for 200 off tandem e-bikes !!!!!!!!!!