Last week I bit the bullet and got a set of SPD-SL pedals and some shoes.
Why didn't I do that years ago? Yesterday I did my flat road trike training ride - 26 km in one hour with a stop for water at the halfway point and a slow section in town. 26 km/h average! I average about 26.7 km/h on the pedelec, OK with hills chucked in but still...
On one of the uphill bits (2% ?) a very strong rider 30 years younger caught me and passed slowly, I came back on him on the following down section where I can use 48:13! Of course he eventually rode off into the sunset as he should against a 60+ out of training guy on a trike weighing three times the weight of his bike.
Last week I did a hilly ride I did a year ago when the trike was delivered - pedals + gearing change = no getting off to push up the steepest bits (over 20%).
- cadence where I like it but way too high for the GSM had it been fitted...

- cadence can be maintained in all gears
- taking your shoes off and changing for normal ones when you stop is less a hassle than I had imagined
- no more cramp in the calf muscles of my right leg! I didn't hydrate early enough and started to feel cramp in the right foot but the water stop fixed that (my right leg was badly banged in a MB accident which I think may be the root cause of muscle/tendon problems).