Flat tyre on motor wheel


May 12, 2008
if your talking repair not replace it is not necessary to remove wheel, I am at abit of a loss how to explain but will be back later hopefully


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 14, 2007
Before I took my new Mistral into my local repair shop for fitting of Marathon Plus tyres I undid the cable ties along the chain stay, cut the cable and inserted a male/female connector. The shop then had no trouble in removing the wheel completely. I might have done this myself but the nuts were very tight.

Afterwards, I tidied up the cable and connector with new cable ties and electrical tape.

In my experience, essential accessories for the electrically assisted pedal cyclist are a good supply of cable ties, easily obtainable cheaply on eBay, some heatshrink tubing, and electrical tape.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 11, 2007
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to confirm that i did not have a puncture. The problem was with the valve not being flexible enough, which caused the split on either side. Dont think this is a repair job - whole tube needs to be replaced.

Thanks for all your comments and adivce.


ps...just got instructions from Powacycle on how to remove the rear wheel. "To disconnect the rear wheel, there is a cable that goes into the controller unit under the battery. You will need to remove the access panel and then you will see that the motor wire is held together by three colour coded push together connectors. Simply pull these apart and you will then be able to completely remove the rear wheel."

Sounds very straight forward to me. As always cannot fault Powacycle :)
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