Hi all,
I have recently taken ownership of a rear hub system and cannot wait to get started. The system doesn't have the PAS ring / sensor so I need to buy one and have been working out the best way to do this.
My bike has a Claris 50/34T chainring and I was all set to buy this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33064463265.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.347177d2B2ynDb&algo_pvid=aed75eb5-d820-4172-aed6-6bad383405b1&algo_expid=aed75eb5-d820-4172-aed6-6bad383405b1-2&btsid=943257d9-0e37-4796-a858-86ac0457a52d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_10,searchweb201603_52
However I noticed that the sensors that attach straight to the Octalink / Hollowtech are for triple cranks, not double compact like mine
Ideally I would like a proper solution instead of trying to cut something up and failing but I am all ears to any suggestions going.
I could always change the bike or parts if this is sensible. My main aim is to keep it reliable so that I don't have to fiddle around or have failures whilst out.
Thank you pedelecers
I have recently taken ownership of a rear hub system and cannot wait to get started. The system doesn't have the PAS ring / sensor so I need to buy one and have been working out the best way to do this.
My bike has a Claris 50/34T chainring and I was all set to buy this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33064463265.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.347177d2B2ynDb&algo_pvid=aed75eb5-d820-4172-aed6-6bad383405b1&algo_expid=aed75eb5-d820-4172-aed6-6bad383405b1-2&btsid=943257d9-0e37-4796-a858-86ac0457a52d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_10,searchweb201603_52
However I noticed that the sensors that attach straight to the Octalink / Hollowtech are for triple cranks, not double compact like mine
Ideally I would like a proper solution instead of trying to cut something up and failing but I am all ears to any suggestions going.
I could always change the bike or parts if this is sensible. My main aim is to keep it reliable so that I don't have to fiddle around or have failures whilst out.
Thank you pedelecers