That's a good way of looking at it. Maybe I should be thinking the days of pedalling in high gear with the motor going full pelt may be over with my knee prob! I'm a speed freak that's my problem, always in a rush to get somewhere ;-)I was thinking about my 'ratios' cos I can't add peddle power at higher speeds....
But after thinking about it.. the answer is, so what !!
If the bike is already travelling at 'x' MPH there's no need to add to it.
It is a hard decision though with gears isn't it.. you have to try and gage what range will allow you a good balance of being able to ride the bike comfortably un-powered, whilst still providing a reasonably high level of gearing so you can keep up the motor at a decent speed. My bike now is 9-spd 11T-26T with a 54T chainwheel.. so I'm looking for something similar range in 7-spd.. Cyzelezee has 11T-32T.. also I'm keeping an eye on the freewheel weight as I've noticed big differences online..some 7-spd are 200g lighter than others that average around 550g. 200g is a big weight saving when you're trying to stay below 17kg ;-) I wonder if there's a big difference between 11T and 13T? And I wonder, if going 13T or 14T could be offset by using a bigger chainwheel... hmmm that could provide high gearing but with a possible weight saving then.
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