I've had. Nothing but bad experiences with BT, and things were only marginally better when using other suppliers that still relied on the BT infrastructure. I eventually switched to Virgin, enticed by the offer of 50mb . That increased to 100mb for no extra charge, and then 120 mb
The last increase has made no noticeable difference, probably due to modem limitations.
My usenext account can take full advantage of the available speed, so much so that I no longer save data as its easier to download on demand. One of my Daughters recently moved out, and constantly comments on how irritating she finds it sharing a 10mb line with three housemates. Remember the pain of 56k analog lines - small downloads often taking days??
The last increase has made no noticeable difference, probably due to modem limitations.
My usenext account can take full advantage of the available speed, so much so that I no longer save data as its easier to download on demand. One of my Daughters recently moved out, and constantly comments on how irritating she finds it sharing a 10mb line with three housemates. Remember the pain of 56k analog lines - small downloads often taking days??