Hi, my eZee front hub motor recently stopped responding to the throttle, it spins for a second or so then stops, it has eight flashing lights at the control box which I checked and means it is a hall sensor problem, found a video tutorial on the web from a company called Grin which even used the same make eZee, which detailed how to check and change the hall sensors. So stripped down the motor and whilst doing this noticed the wiring loom going through axle was all twisted and looked damaged, so ordered new harness. When I test the hall sensors as described in the vid the voltage goes from 5v down to 2v on all three sensors not to 0 as stated in the Video, is this OK. Also, the three hall sensors are not set in a groove in the windings but just glued to the top of them and sit about three quarters of the way down the sensor length. Also noticed there is a small diode or some such attached to the circuit board which is not on the one in the video (I have attached a photo showing it).
Any help appreciated Paul
Any help appreciated Paul