50 Cycles site is down so has anyone any experience of the following please. Motor was stuttering on last mile home so I figured the range had been reduced in cold weather and I fully charged the battery as normal. Green light on charger after normal period and Green light on Battery Meter so figured all ok but as soon as I open the throttle the motor clicks but doesn't run and the Meter drops to Red, whilst the diagnostic light blinks 6 times supposedly indicating low voltage contrary to charger and meter. Repeat process and back to Green all round but still no joy so figure battery u/s although has only done 500 miles. Have electical chum check battery, which registers 41.7V on his meter which he says is normal for a 37V battery. He lights some lamps with the battery, although advises this doesn't really put sufficient load to test amperage and the lights on the bike still work anyway.
Any comments would be most welcome please.
Any comments would be most welcome please.