Ezee Batteries Not Charging???



I have swapped the battery again this evening with the member I bought the original one from. A very understanding and helpful memeber who has literally gone out of his way to resolve a problem which was not his responsibility. He has also been kind enough to lend me his charger.
When I got home I went for a very quick 5 mile run to drain some power from the battery, which performed perfectly, then put it on to charge with his charger, the battery is now charging.
This would almost certainly confirm that the root of the problem was a faulty charger supplied with the the bike and not any problem with the batteries.

J:) hn


Oct 25, 2006
Those pesky chargers from that dud batch really should have been destroyed as this is not the first time they've found their way back into circulation John.

Good to hear you know the cause now though.


I would like to thank everyone who has helped sort this problem, Flecc, Conal, Mr E, and PinkFloyd although he my be unaware of it.
Without the forum I could have been up the creek without a paddle.

J:) hn


Dec 6, 2007
West Sussex PO21
Glad you got it sorted , John.

I will keep a note of my old charger serial number --just in case --you never know!!!


An update: my internal fuse blow away today. The serial number of the charger is BL1070800480.
First I checked the connector plug on the charger and there was a shortcut on the connector. Red and Black touching. I re-soldiered the plug but still no luck. I then checked the internal fuse after reading this post (thank you!!!) and yes the fuse was gone. Swapped the fuse and everything back to normal :eek: .

If you have a faulty charger you may want to check the connector plug?



Very interesting Jo, I just stripped down my faulty charger and discovered some rather dodgy soldering on the plug connector and a couple of stray strands of wire, from both red and black leads which could quite easily have come into contact.
I could try repairing it, but my battery is under warranty, so I don't want to open it to replace a fuse. I also have working charger, so I don't think it is worth the gamble. I believe my one was part of a faulty batch. The serial number is BL106 1000386.
However, well spotted.

J:) hn
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2008

What a surprize, dodgy chargers from ezee, is there anything on the bike that is not broken down.

I am so glad my ezee ebay purchase fell through, I would never be able to do what Aldby can do.




Oct 25, 2006

What a surprize, dodgy chargers from ezee, is there anything on the bike that is not broken down.

I am so glad my ezee ebay purchase fell through, I would never be able to do what Aldby can do.


Give it a rest Bob, your anti-eZee stance at every slightest opportunity isn't founded on any personal knowledge and seems motivated by sheer spite. Like many others in this forum I've ridden eZee bikes for years and enjoyed the experience. So much so in fact that I sold my Giant Lafree since the eZee bikes were more capable for my purposes, and I'm far from alone in that.


Give it a rest Bob, your anti-eZee stance at every slightest opportunity isn't founded on any personal knowledge and seems motivated by sheer spite. Like many others in this forum I've ridden eZee bikes for years and enjoyed the experience. So much so in fact that I sold my Giant Lafree since the eZee bikes were more capable for my purposes, and I'm far from alone in that.

J:) hn


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2008

I am glad you enjoy the experience but I would not be capable of building a whole bike every time I like to go out. Everybody is allowed to have an opinion and my experience comes from this forum which makes ezee look like a bike for only those with the knowledge of a guru and aldby to keep it on the road, all I have read is how to fix faulty parts. Maybe if I owned one my opinion would change, but I doubt very much if my video player broke down I would never be able to watch the end of the movie because I would not know how to fix it. I am sure the ezee is a good bike if you know what you are doing but I am speaking for those that are not very technical and could not fix a hole in the roof if it was dripping on my head in my sleep.

That is my last word on the matter please know that not everyone can fix bikes and I represent those people with big fingers that cannot wire a plug.

I will take life ezee, no pun intended.




Oct 25, 2006
I think you misunderstand Bob. I don't spend my life fixing the bikes, I just ride the main one in particular day in and day out and totally neglect it. In fact it's filthy, the last time I washed it being June 2007. It works very hard almost daily, carrying large shopping loads, hauling a heavily loaded trailer to and from a waste and recycling centre and generally hacking around the countryside.

For the first six months of this year I was testing a prototype battery on it and deliberately treating it cruelly, refusing to pedal unless absolutely necessary in order to give the battery a rough time, and covered 3484 miles in that six months. The only adjustment in this year was to the brake adjusters on the levers to take up wear in the pads, and I've only pumped the tyres a couple of times all year.

I know through long experience that there aren't many e-bikes that would stand all that punishment so readily with so much neglect, and that's why I know you are being unfair in your criticisms. A huge proportion of the owners in this forum have eZee bikes, so it's only natural that the faults will appear frequently compared with many other makes.

In fact the faults you pick on are usually on two items that eZee don't make, the charger made by HighPower which is also used by many other e-bike makers like Wisper for example, and the original Li-ion battery made by Phylion, part of an electronics giant who have also supplied batteries to many other makes with them also suffering failures.

We have many visitors to this site who may see your criticisms and assume them to be well founded, so that's why I protest at the unfairness of someone not involved in any of the faults being so critical. The actual owners will post when they experience any problems so your interventions serve no useful purpose other than to annoy.

You may also care to note what Frank9755 has just posted on another thread about eZee bikes:

"There are a couple of other points about components that should be answered. Firstly we should say in Mr Ching's favour is that, of the hub motor bikes on the market, the Ezee range probably has the best quality components fitted. I was criticising this about halfway through the thread as being overkill on an electric, but we can't criticise Ezee both for having too cheap and too expensive components."
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007

I am glad you enjoy the experience but I would not be capable of building a whole bike every time I like to go out. Everybody is allowed to have an opinion and my experience comes from this forum which makes ezee look like a bike for only those with the knowledge of a guru and aldby to keep it on the road, all I have read is how to fix faulty parts. Maybe if I owned one my opinion would change, but I doubt very much if my video player broke down I would never be able to watch the end of the movie because I would not know how to fix it. I am sure the ezee is a good bike if you know what you are doing but I am speaking for those that are not very technical and could not fix a hole in the roof if it was dripping on my head in my sleep.

That is my last word on the matter please know that not everyone can fix bikes and I represent those people with big fingers that cannot wire a plug.

I will take life ezee, no pun intended.


Hi Bob
I hope you decide on your electric bike real soon unless I missed a post and you have one already? :D If you have let me know what you have?
I have read that you have a knee problem and need assistance with this.
When you get one, your bike will be under warranty and you will not need to go re-building it. If you get any problems then there is plenty of advice on this forum and from the manufacturer/supplier that will most certainly assist you if a part is out of warranty.
Some of the guys on here enjoy getting to the root of a problem themselves and that is great and informative because we can all learn from this and that is a big part of the forum.
I am or was technically minded in my previous job in lathing but I haven't got my head completely around the working of the electric bike YET, but I will, lol!

Just decide on one and then enjoy :D
I must admit it took me a long time to decide and I have the Wisper 905se and the guys at Wisper are second to none and will help in every way needed and this bike goes from standing without the use of the pedals and just using the throttle so maybe right up your street with your knee problem :D

Try and look for the positives rather than the negatives and I truly do not mean that in a rude way but just in a helpful way to get you on the road.

Kindest Regards


I have my EZEE kit now for 9 months and this is the first problem I had. I live in Belgium and got the kit from Canada so I knew I had to rely on myself and this forum to overcome problems. Bikes are like cars, they all break down. If you are not handy with electronics then buy a bike with a local dealer who is able to support you. :)
To finish its by sharing on this forum that we can help each other in resolving problems.
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