I think you misunderstand Bob. I don't spend my life fixing the bikes, I just ride the main one in particular day in and day out and totally neglect it. In fact it's filthy, the last time I washed it being June 2007. It works very hard almost daily, carrying large shopping loads, hauling a heavily loaded trailer to and from a waste and recycling centre and generally hacking around the countryside.
For the first six months of this year I was testing a prototype battery on it and deliberately treating it cruelly, refusing to pedal unless absolutely necessary in order to give the battery a rough time, and covered 3484 miles in that six months. The only adjustment in this year was to the brake adjusters on the levers to take up wear in the pads, and I've only pumped the tyres a couple of times all year.
I know through long experience that there aren't many e-bikes that would stand all that punishment so readily with so much neglect, and that's why I know you are being unfair in your criticisms. A huge proportion of the owners in this forum have eZee bikes, so it's only natural that the faults will appear frequently compared with many other makes.
In fact the faults you pick on are usually on two items that eZee don't make, the charger made by HighPower which is also used by many other e-bike makers like Wisper for example, and the original Li-ion battery made by Phylion, part of an electronics giant who have also supplied batteries to many other makes with them also suffering failures.
We have many visitors to this site who may see your criticisms and assume them to be well founded, so that's why I protest at the unfairness of someone not involved in any of the faults being so critical. The actual owners will post when they experience any problems so your interventions serve no useful purpose other than to annoy.
You may also care to note what Frank9755 has just posted on another thread about eZee bikes:
"There are a couple of other points about components that should be answered. Firstly we should say in Mr Ching's favour is that, of the hub motor bikes on the market, the Ezee range probably has the best quality components fitted. I was criticising this about halfway through the thread as being overkill on an electric, but we can't criticise Ezee both for having too cheap and too expensive components."