Help! ERROR 08 upon Setup


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
A new Brushless controller called 36V 18A BLDC motor controller S866 LCD Display connected to a quite old front hub motor gave me ERROR 08 after self learning process. Nevertheless motor is turning smoothly. I am convinced it is a HALL related error although supplier calls it Throttle error and has sent me a datasheet with that explanation. There is no throttle connected. If I remove 5 HALL cables error and smooth running does not change.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Some controllers are dual mode - sensored and sensor less. If there's a problem with the halls, they'll run sensor less.

The throttle error comes when the controller detects non-zero at startup. That can happen if you have your connectors mixed up, like speed sensor connected to throttle input, but it wouldn't run like that.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
in case of no throttle connected what could throttle error 008 be then? supplier has asked me to connect any throttle while self learning can be removed later. i do have no throttle here can anybody recommend me a trick how to simulate a throttle just for startup?
error list.jpg


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
As I said, you need to check which connector is which. You cannot go by the colour of the wires. The common mistake is to connect the speed sensor red, black and white to the throttle connector, which also has red black and white sites. The controller then can't see the speed sensor, so it switches to using the motor halls for the speed signal.

Before going any further, please confirm what you have connected to what connectors on the controller.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
i have tried everything! even without HALL. Motor runs just on three Powercables as well. But whatever results in E008. Nothing ever connected to throttle. I have even trien another BAFANG front motor. With and without HALL. Same result


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
Working: Self learning cycle forward and reverse. LIGHT 42V. WALK 6 kmh and correctly stopped by break contacts. NOT WORKING: PAS and Speed sensor. I measure: +5 V on Throttle but nothing on PAS (missing 5V there)
I got the impression that PAS is faulty ... not sensor but controller internally


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
Connected always: POWER + 3 Motor Phases, 5 pin Display
Tried with and without: HALL 6pin, PAS, Break 2 pin
Never Connected: Throttle, Lamp


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
I found a soution for dysfunctional PAS. GND was dead, i took another
black cable from elsewhere and now it works just fine. Error 008 still shows. I will get a Thumbthrottle in about a month. Then I can try if this error will disappear.

Steve Dyson

Oct 13, 2018
Hi, i have this error crop up every now and then on mine, and then disappear.

it only happens when i am on full throttle and on PAS/Throttle setting 2
the way i got round it in end was to test the voltage from the throttle, so the P+ and P- should read 5v or near as and the sensor wire should read varying voltage as you turn the throttle.

to make sure the connectors were not bad i cut the wires and twisted them together to test working and the fitted a connector block to them


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
The main question should be and remains unanswered: Is it possible that a missing throttle can result in ERROR 008? I do not think so! The supplier just tries to avoid claims. A throttle in position zero delivers how many Volts on signal cable? I am pretty sure in this forum are a couple of people who know that answer and have 5 seconds left to reply!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Generally throttle V's are;
Gnd to v+ 5v.
Gnd to sig about 1v.
In closed position 0v.
Open position 4 - 5v.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
what would be a valid simulation that the controller thinks that a throttle is present in zero position? Some say a Resistor between GND and Signal 330 ohm would help


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
You can use a 5k or 10k pot as a throttle. If it doesn't work, think about whether the connector that you connect it to is actually the throttle connector.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 1, 2016
Chicago, USA
I've seen the throttle error in a KT controller. It doesn't happen until I try to work the throttle, and it happens because I mis-wired the throttle.

Without a throttle, you should be able to test the throttle input by putting a diode between the input and the power lead. I've done this on several different controller brands, and it works. The cathode or positive terminal of the diode goes to the input. What this does is pull the input up to about 4 volts, enough to act like a throttle at 90% full.

This also simulates what happens if you actually have a throttle connected and the ground wire breaks. This has happened to me while riding, but only on a 250W motor, and there was no drama at all.

If you have no diodes, you can make a voltage divider with a pair of resistors and create a throttle voltage that way, If you have no resistors, two AA batteries in series is 3 volts, enough to run the throttle.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 8, 2019
to anybody who is interested! throttle arrived today, and is working like a charm. ONLY problem: Error 07 (motor problem). Apart from this I have noticed that Aliexpress seller has removed wrong "advertisment" and put new description "THROTTLE REQUIRED". I got the feeling it is a pure scooter controller accidentaly sold als ebike/universal model! I guess only scooter motors are supported! Any comments how to remove E07?


Just Joined
Nov 8, 2019
vfr400 thanks for reply. Yes, I made self learning procedure by connecting green wires. After that It was working ok for a few days, without any errors . Now I got 2 error codes E08 & E07 appear alternately on the screen.