Kind of ebike related.....
We headed into one of favourite playgrounds this morning during an Orange/Santa Cruz demo day. Guess which bike remained behind, yep the Orange!
The other riders weren't after an eMTB, and my interest in the bike is a big zero. I don't like wasting people's time, so choose to ride my KTM Ultra 1964, a budget bike by comparison to the rest, still on summer tyres and with no dropper post. I loved every second of the 22.6km ride.

A superb morning of fun, and the perfect demo day location.
Another new line under construction.
Possibly one of the last rides for the Ultra. Having sold the Macina Lycan this week, I'm now keen to upgrade from the Ultra, so it will probably go up for sale this weekend. It has been a brilliant and fun bike, and I must admit that riding it today, did have me pondering things. But as I'm keen to concentrate more on my cross country mtb riding than my eMTB riding, it is time for an upgrade.
The playground.