Keen to be Seen to be Green....
I do have one put-down that I've used to good effect, though it's not a quickie. I just make an observation about the prodigious amounts of electricity used to produce the materials in their superlight high tech bike which helps them get up the hills so much easier, pointing out that their current was used in advance instead of during journeys.
The added sly observation that if they were serious about being green they'd use a gas brazed old tech all steel bike really shuts them up.
Ha...Ha.. rather liked this Mr Flecc,
my standard response now, ( having suffered this slight on numerous & boringly repetitive instances ) is this, a bicycle which is electrically assisted, has a smaller carbon footprint, this being fact in my own experience, from the amount of energy i need to get from A to B, when i cycled a normal push-bike for 20 miles, i would take a range of refreshments with me, this might be a bottle of lucozade and some chocolate or a bag of mints, or an apple, usually something to drink & something to munch, on the electric bike i do not require the additional sustenance.
the saving on the extra energy is only off-set by the five pence it takes to charge my battery for this journey.
when tackling hills & headwinds, i no longer puff & blow like i had to on the push-bike, so i output less carbon dioxide in exhaled breath.
i fully expect to be able to charge my batteries from direct sunlight in the near future, effectively getting the extra energy for free, less the cost of replacement batteries.
the cost of buying food and preparing it to provide the energy for any journey, will then surely out-weigh the cost of electrical assistance.
but the real plus of course, as pointed out elsewhere in the thread, is that i am enjoying myself.