5500km down and into Cambodia
Hi a quick update on Guim's epic Wisper ride.
He is now in the middle of Cambodia with 5500 kilometers under his belt, only 74,500 to go before he rides into London at the Olympics in 2012.
Itinerary EBWT - Google Maps To see where he is now you need to scroll down to
1 2 3 Siguiente and click on 3.
Guim's bike with new attachments to keep of the Vietnamese rain and sun!
Vietnam was fantastic with everyone treating Guim like family. Guim has fallen in love with Thuy Anh a reporter from the Ha Noi TV station that interviewed him for national TV.
Whilst in Ha Noi Guim was spotted by a photographer shooting some Vietnamese fashion Guim kindly lent his Wisper as a prop!
Guim is still on the new Kendas and is having absolutly no problems now despite the poor road conditions.
For more info reports and some great photos log onto
Electric Bicycle World Tour
Good luck Guim!
All the best David