The Collective of European Chinese EBike Importers met yesterday in Brussels with the group of 8 Commissioners in charge of the case. Our lawyers and Annick from LEVA who has been driving the case were also present.
I made a presentation on behalf of the smaller manufacturers, Matt from E-Bikes Direct, Jonathan from Emu and Andy from B Spoke were also there making presentations along with members from all over Europe. All there on our own money (cost me £400 and two days out of the office) trying to solve this problem for all those importing bikes from China most importantly and our customers.
I still find it absolutely amazing that there are importers here in the UK and all over Europe that are happy to sit back and let others do all the work and finance this battle. Of course if The Collective managed to get the ADD down to an acceptable level, or only applied to bikes over a certain value, or maybe, just maybe actually win outright, those that have just sat back and let others shoulder the burden will have had a fantastic result. Simply do nothing then get the same benefits as those that actually did the work. If we lose they will no doubt say "there was no point fighting".
It's not just the money and time The Collective are investing, just as important is the number of companies involved in fighting this battle. There are 22 of us, if there were 52 the chances of a final victory would be so much higher and the cost to individual companies so much lower. I guess that there are many who just can't be bothered.
A lot happened yesterday on all levels, regarding importing parts, what the Commission is likely to do next, and what our counter will be.