Ebike of the Year 2011



eZee/BMC Conversion

OK, here goes. I am be totally self indulgent and nominating my own eZee/BMC conversion as shown below.
It may not appeal to many, but I just love this bike and believe me, I have owned and ridden quite a lot e-bikes in the last 4 years.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
Well, my nomination, unsurprisingly, is the Freego Eagle 17.5 A/h Mountain Bike. Its so good I bought one.

Its fast, comfortable, has 3 power levels on Pedelec, or a throttle. Unlike the, albeit more sophisticated, crank drives, the Eagle is generous with its power and provides as much as I want, whenever I want it. I have had the privilige of some 40 miles testing on Bosch and Panasonic bikes, and whilst they are good hill climbers on the very steep stuff, they demand considerably more effort to ride at speed and offer no assistance at all above the 15 mph set speed. In principle they should be fantastic, but from my perspective they appear emasculated by the regulations offering no assistance whatsoever at 16 mph or more.

But having spent a whole weekend testing crank drive bikes, it was so nice to get back on the Eagle. It makes no more demands on my half century old legs than I elect to provide, and flies along in comfort with or without my help.

The 17.5 A/h Eagle also has colossal range compared to just about anything else. Today I rode out on the marsh, (mostly flat until coming home), I did 24 miles, all on max assist, blatting along the lanes at 19 mph with medium pedalling. The average over the whole ride was 16.2 mph. Back home, I still had all 4 lights glowing, and could very likely have repeated the trip without a re-charge. With more extended use of medium power, (but still fair bit of maximum), the Eagle will do over 50 miles, even with my 90 kilo bulk perched on top.

The Eagle is fast, comfortable, has good lights as standard, looks jolly nice in white and carbon framework, has probably the best range in the business, and for the first 300 miles has proved faultless and totally reliable, and its great fun to ride at any time of day or night.

I'd like to try one of these Haibike jobbies, but then I could buy 2 Eagles for the same money, and for most of us, cost is the biggest factor in our choice of E-Bike.


Sep 9, 2010
Storck Raddar Multitask?

Top quality components.
Beautifully made.
Excellent handling.
Smooth, strong assistance available without any lag on starting.
Good looks.

(And, if you want a change from electric assist, swap the rear wheel and you've got a first class conventional bike.)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 9, 2010
I nominate the Kudos Tourer. It's a good price, it looks good and goes well in my hilly area. Spare batteries are only £208.


Jul 7, 2008
I nominate the Kudos Tourer. It's a good price, it looks good and goes well in my hilly area. Spare batteries are only £208.
Kudos bikes surely worth an award in the newcomer category. Having the steel to enter any new retail market in the current economic climate takes some doing me thinks........Particulirly one as small as E Bikes. And to offer decent value as well worthy of credit......


Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
Can you imagine if all the motoring hacks across Europe voted in the 2012 Car Of The Year poll for the 1948 Land Rover? Reading some of the nominations our poll has attracted, I think we're in danger of looking as foolish as those motoring journalists, were they to nominate the Land Rover.

Sure, the Landie can conquer mountains, parts are reasonably priced and it's long-lasting but it was never lusted after by the general car-buying public. Car buyers go to car shows to see and admire the latest creations from the great design houses with names attached like Ferrari, Porsche and so on. Those are the cars that traditionally grab all the attention and headlines and a lot more of us would probably have one if we could afford it.

Ok, in many years the COTY award goes to the more mundane such as Ford or Fiat but there's a little something which has grabbed the journos' imagination, something that causes them to believe the car has worth, something new perhaps; something they believe the public will like and something perhaps that moves the game on a little.

As Flecc rightly pointed out in posting ♯6, it's about aspirations and although many of us may well make do with ebikes utilising decade-old technology, (for whatever reason) surely we should be taking the opportunity to applaud innovative technology in our poll?

I should feel somewhat embarrassed if we, (Pedelecs) ever make the mainstream news, having just voted for the bicycle equivalent of the 1948 Land Rover as our ebike of the year.


ps Just seen Eddie's post and he makes a fair point though I'm not aware there is a newcomer category.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 6, 2009
Kudos bikes surely worth an award in the newcomer category. Having the steel to enter any new retail market in the current economic climate takes some doing me thinks........Particulirly one as small as E Bikes. And to offer decent value as well worthy of credit......
Plus their desire to drive down the cost of replacement batteries whilst also willing to offer them to owners of none Kudos bikes...very praise worthy.
Apr 19, 2011
Nominate KOGA

Decision made!

Like Flecc, I think really the Bosch crank-drive system is the most exciting development of the last few months but it's not actually a bike so can't be nominated.

That said, as far as the UK is concerned, the Haibike has been the best advertised manifestation of the Bosch system and it seems like a fine bike although not one I want to own. I expect the Bosch system to become available on other bike types soon here in the UK and I'm sure I'll find a model more to my taste.

Crank drive, to me, is a far more elegant method of propulsion than the rather crude hub motors some popular ebikes utilise and I'm delighted that Bosch saw fit to develop such a system rather than a simple hub-drive, ergo Haibike gets my vote this year.

I love the Haibike XDuro Full Suspension - it has been a game-changer and remarkably trouble free for a totally new machine. For me the best thing about it is that it has attracted a new section of society to e-bikes; those young guns that wouldn't be seen dead on a 'normal' e-bike.

(should be a pic here but can't recall how to upload)

But heading fast to oldie (44) my personal 'every-day' favourite is the KOGA E-COMFORT Low-Step fitted with boost throttle upgrade (£55 option). I'm addicted to the Dutch straight back riding position, smooth silent power, in-hub twist gears. The single spring/damper unit in the head stock is brilliant (no telescopic play, no grit). The throttle that makes the motor push flat out irrespective of pedal pressure; like being on a magic carpet. Also a big plus is the electronic immobiliser - why don’t more mnf's integrate these things?
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Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
my personal 'every-day' favourite is the KOGA E-COMFORT Low-Step fitted with boost throttle upgrade (£55 option). I'm addicted to the Dutch straight back riding position, smooth silent power, in-hub twist gears. The single spring/damper unit in the head stock is brilliant (no telescopic play, no grit). The throttle that makes the motor push flat out irrespective of pedal pressure; like being on a magic carpet. Also a big plus is the electronic immobiliser - why don’t more mnf's integrate these things?
Cor!......I'd love one of those. Where can I buy one James?:D

Every time I look on your website, I just drool over those Kogas. The Spartas ain't bad either, as it goes! It'll take something special to replace my current Dutch bike and Kogas are a bit special although half the model range is still running on Ni-Mh batteries. Now, if Koga were to go over to Bosch power and crank-drive for 2012, that would really interest me.

Apr 19, 2011
KOGA Smooth

Cor!......I'd love one of those. Where can I buy one James?:D

Every time I look on your website, I just drool over those Kogas. The Spartas ain't bad either, as it goes! It'll take something special to replace my current Dutch bike and Kogas are a bit special although half the model range is still running on Ni-Mh batteries. Now, if Koga were to go over to Bosch power and crank-drive for 2012, that would really interest me.

They are great machines Indalo, but switching to crank drive (whoever's) would ruin the smooth and silent ride. Where are you?... we're up and down the country delivering so could drop by with one for you to try if you like.
Or you can buy one here and I'll supply and fit a throttle free of charge (they're going up by £109 next year :mad:)
Rgds, James
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mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
Indalo, I take your point, but in reality, most of those posh cars are well beyond the pocket of the viewers. In fact they are 'window shopper' goods and with austerity fast approaching, a whole new mind set will have to be adopted to cope with its realities. That is what biking is all about, minimalist use of resources.
After all, why buy a sailing dinghy when a speed boat is so much better?
Why shoot a bow and arrow with its hopeless inaccuracy when a modern rifle is so much better?
As to decade old technology, what is new? Electric motors, batteries, hall sensors etc are all 19th century, the wheel is very old indeed. Only the integrated circuits are relatively modern, even carbon fibre is getting dated.
As for journalists opinions!
If you have ever had to write year after year for a magazine, you realise that you soon run out of material, so any innovation is a God send to a copy challenged writer.
I won't mention the manufacturers junkets, boozy lunches etc.
No, I think a careful selection by posters to this forum, not dazzled by needless innovation but carefully honed by experience is of value.


Oct 25, 2006
That is what biking is all about, minimalist use of resources.
Surely not, that's just a modern eco fad. Cycling for most has always been either (1) about simple bureacracy free low cost transport, or (2) about sport, or (3) about leisure and pleasure in the countryside.

E-bikes are no different except in removing some of the effort involved.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
Surely not, that's just a modern eco fad. Cycling for most has always been either (1) about simple bureacracy free low cost transport, or (2) about sport, or (3) about leisure and pleasure in the countryside.

E-bikes are no different except in removing some of the effort involved.
You are quite right, I was just looking at it from a personal perspective.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I think that I have managed to filter out the actual nominations that have been made so far.

These being:

Haibike eq Trekking

Cyclamatic Power Plus

Tonaro Esprit

Wisper 905 SEL

Kudos Tourer

Stork Raddar Multitask

Koga E-Comfort

Three kits have been mentioned:



BMSbattery Bafang BPM

If I'm clever enough, I'll organise the vote for complete bikes and a separate vote for kits.

As interesting as debate is, could I please ask that you keep your posts as concise as possible in this thread. Just a one liner naming the bike you wish to nominate will do. We can perhaps discuss the relative merits of each bike in the actual voting thread.

I am going to nominate the 2008 Kalkhoff Pro-Connect for this year's best ebike. Cheap, unbreakable, ultimate reliability.

My wife has just seen what I am doing, and she says that she would like to nominate me for Knob-Head of the year.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Really!..........and are you prepared to tell us what exactly she saw you doing?;)

Nothing embarrassing. I was only looking at pornography sites whilst "knocking one out" when she walked into the room with her mother.

Now I'm breaking my own rules. Nominations from now on only please.
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Oct 25, 2006
Sorry I didn't spell it out in full in the text, but my nomination as linked was for the Haibike EQ xduro full suspension off-road model. The other nomination for the Haibike EQ trekking is for the rigid frame road bike, so there are two separate Haibike nominations for distinctly different models.


Oct 19, 2009
East Yorkshire
I nominate my ezee torq 11 for ebike of the year 2011
It does I what it says on the tin/ blurb , still have 2006 ease torq 1 goes like stink!


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I think that I have managed to filter out the actual nominations that have been made so far.

These being:

Haibike eq Trekking

Cyclamatic Power Plus

Tonaro Esprit

Wisper 905 SEL

Kudos Tourer

Stork Raddar Multitask

Koga E-Comfort

Three kits have been mentioned:



BMSbattery Bafang BPM

If I'm clever enough, I'll organise the vote for complete bikes and a separate vote for kits.

As interesting as debate is, could I please ask that you keep your posts as concise as possible in this thread. Just a one liner naming the bike you wish to nominate will do. We can perhaps discuss the relative merits of each bike in the actual voting thread.

I am going to nominate the 2008 Kalkhoff Pro-Connect for this year's best ebike. Cheap, unbreakable, ultimate reliability.

My wife has just seen what I am doing, and she says that she would like to nominate me for Knob-Head of the year.

Note to self: Add Freego Eagle to final list.