Amen to that. I washed mine for the first week. It impacted on my riding style, which is 'mud magnet'.
All I do now is grease the chain.
I'd be impolite if it would help. However, dogs sense anger, and are more bothered by it than a laughing response. I've had dogs since I can remember, over 50 odd years now. I've also worked dogs in the not too distant past. Police, drugs, arms and explosives search dogs and guard dogs. Mostly GSD's, labs, springers and collies. Although, I did train a Jack Russell to find semtex once. He could get under cars like no other.
I'd stop for those collies and throw down some biscuits whilst talking to them in a soothing, soft, 'good boys' fashion. Throw a stick. They're sheepdogs after all. They're only chasing you because they think it's work, and you know they love that more than life itself.
What's the worst that could happen?