Duff Controller Or Halls


Deleted member 4366

It's not as bad as it looks. You've had salt water in there, which is very conductive and is probably shorting the hall wires between the sensor and the PCB. Brush them with a toothbrush to remove any crystals, but be careful, the legs are very breakable, especially if they've suffered any corrosion. Brush the PCB too and the speed sensor PCB. Clean the rest of the rust off the motor with penetrating oil.

The normal reason for water in the motor is that you installed the axle upside down so that the wire exits upwards. It should go downwards. In other motors it can get in through the disc fixing screws, but the holes are blind on the Xiongda, so that isn't possible.

I'm wondering if the growling is a mechanical problem. My 36v one had a sort of resonance at certain speeds, which caused chattering. I solved it by adding loads of greaseto the gears and clutch. You can remove the clutch by tapping the axle on something solid. The clutch's momentum will cause it to slide down the shaft. Be careful not to damage the thread.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 12, 2015
It's not as bad as it looks. You've had salt water in there, which is very conductive and is probably shorting the hall wires between the sensor and the PCB. Brush them with a toothbrush to remove any crystals, but be careful, the legs are very breakable, especially if they've suffered any corrosion. Brush the PCB too and the speed sensor PCB. Clean the rest of the rust off the motor with penetrating oil.

The normal reason for water in the motor is that you installed the axle upside down so that the wire exits upwards. It should go downwards. In other motors it can get in through the disc fixing screws, but the holes are blind on the Xiongda, so that isn't possible.

I'm wondering if the growling is a mechanical problem. My 36v one had a sort of resonance at certain speeds, which caused chattering. I solved it by adding loads of greaseto the gears and clutch. You can remove the clutch by tapping the axle on something solid. The clutch's momentum will cause it to slide down the shaft. Be careful not to damage the thread.
They still have the gritters out at the moment but don't have road sweepers out anymore so all the crap ends up in the gutters and cycle lanes,, and all over me and the bike when its wet I have managed to get a spoonfull of salt out of the empty hub so far... will follow your instructions is it alright to use a wire brush on the outside of the motor


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
Never have that problem here since they stopped gritting some years ago.

There is always an upside.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 12, 2015
All re-assembled (did not rewire at this time) have not taken it out as its urinating it down outside, I now have good throttle noise and as well as can be tested in a small space without load, good pedal pickup, the motor is quiet and smooth and responds well although every now and then on full throttle level 4 there is a quiet knock, the bench speed without load is showing as 17.9mph so gained 2mph from somewhere... so far no growling wont know properly till Wednesday when I take it out for a shakedown, Thanks for all the assistance so far hopefully that's as bad as it will ever get... or have I just jinxed..

Deleted member 4366

The motor wire goes downwards now?

Did you re-grease it?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 12, 2015
Yes pointing downwards with a loop so drips are taken away, Had some nasty black grease given by my neighbour, he said it wont harden and is for high temp stuff.. he used it when he used to work on the trains.. so I used that... will post in a few days when tested


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
:)So far so good Horse, hope after all your good work the shake down goes well. Just to clarify the salt water ingress was it because the hub wire originally was exiting upwards ? One thing D8veh mentioned that I will carry out is to seal my disc bolts.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 12, 2015
:)So far so good Horse, hope after all your good work the shake down goes well. Just to clarify the salt water ingress was it because the hub wire originally was exiting upwards ? One thing D8veh mentioned that I will carry out is to seal my disc bolts.
Yes I had the wire going upwards so all the water ran down the cable it exits halfway down the hub shaft not out the end like my old motor and I originally did not want the wire catching on the disc brake so I went directly up the frame I was under some sort of illusion that the motor would be waterproof .... It is now.... also this motor does not have any wire/coiled spring protection as it leaves the hub and the edges were a little sharp hence the cut wire it is now secured with silicon which i will keep an eye on and hopefully have no more probs One thing when working on the hubs... Razor Sharp Edges ..... I now have a dozen or so cuts... One deep one I felt across the pop of my finger as I unscrewed the hub the other 11 I found when washing my hands.. some quite deep I did not notice them at the time But will def wear gardening gloves next time....


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 12, 2015
Well that was interesting, One mile of quiet powered cycling then nothing, no power no noise just a dead motor none of my old tricks worked not a peep out of the hub, back home stripped hub down all wires rechecked bare motor on bench connected up ..Nothing....DOH...


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 12, 2015
:( I lost the top off my left thumb a few years ago so fiddly jobs are a right pain... Maybe a Q100h might be on my shopping list at least its wires come out of the hub at the end not half way down the spindle...

Deleted member 4366

A pound to a penny one of the hall sensors is not working. At the controller end, you can check that you have 5v between the red and the black, then measure between the black and each colour (blue, yellow, green). They should go on and off with 5v when you rotate the motor. You'll probably need a helper to do that test.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 12, 2015
Yep It looks like one of the Halls are shot, I emailed Bonnie at Xiongda and for £61.00 delivered (in only a few days) I am getting A NEW motor to pop back into my spoked hub plus a few hall sensors to try and repair the knackered one, I could have just waited for just the hall sensors But As I have found out it will be good to have a spare.. Great Customer Service From Xiongda ....although Bonnie has stated its the worst motor she has seen in a long time. (good old British Weather and Grit) well I know now to put the hub on the right way and will silicon the hub wire outlet too to prevent any future probs
