Dont ignore crashed cyclists


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
It reminds me of the guy who said he fed well off road kill, but didn't know what to do with the bicycles.

Emo Rider

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 10, 2014
I took a very nasty trip to the tarmac just over three years ago. I hit a patch of oil or petrol on the wet road. I was going around a corner at a good rate of speed thinking there was no one around. Seconds later I was in a heap on a lawn with several people offerng to help and asking if I was ok. Good old Englanders :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 13, 2012
A few weeks ago my wife called me to say she had put the car in a ditch and was stuck. I drove to where she was, main road hundreds of cars, with room to pull over, not one car stopped not even the ones who saw what happened. I could never pass anyone who was introuble more so a lady. I was gutted to think she could have been injured and no one could care to stop. Perhaps I should put a notice on the car, a prize to anyone who helps in an emergency. :(


Oct 25, 2006
A few weeks ago my wife called me to say she had put the car in a ditch and was stuck. I drove to where she was, main road hundreds of cars, with room to pull over, not one car stopped not even the ones who saw what happened. I could never pass anyone who was introuble more so a lady. I was gutted to think she could have been injured and no one could care to stop. Perhaps I should put a notice on the car, a prize to anyone who helps in an emergency. :(
Unfortunately in our often criminal modern age there have been a number of incidents of a supposed vulnerable person in trouble merely being a decoy to get someone to stop, the Good Samaritan's car then stolen from them from others concealed close by or in the decoy car. Most cars are driven by lone drivers who are therefore vulnerable.

Hitch hikers were also used as criminal decoys for the same purpose not so long ago, and it was this sort of incident that killed most hitch hiking, as it's now making others unwilling to take risks by helping at other incidents.

My experience is that most people are kind and well meaning, but wisely also cautious as a result of past media reports.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 13, 2012
I understand the scams and any lady more so should act with care, but you would think those who saw her crash would have stopped wouldnt you.
Still its the world we live in and I wont forget it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
I went arse over tit once and nobody stopped.. Almost as though I was invisible! Got back on, rode home with a bloody face then got a lift to casualty.. I was wearing a helmet which helped minimise the damage, although there isn't too much to spoil!!.. Which leads to the obvious one.. All these bicylists out there that think they don't need a helmet!! Think again.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 28, 2013
I often see people stopped either for a flat tyre or some problem with gears and so call from my bike "need a patch?" or "need tools?" and you get some very very blank faces and weird replys. The few times people have accepted the offer of help have also been weird, one person I taught how to use a glueless patch felt extremely cheated out of countless £5-10 repairs from a bike shop he used often, another who I guess was the same didn't belive me packs of 12 patches are £2 online when I passed them a couple for if it happens again "omg don't do that, they must cost you loads".
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Sep 5, 2013
I got clipped on a roundabout many years ago and took a tumble. One of the nice people who stopped to see if I was all right was a colleague who once he'd ascertained I wasn't go to go into work asked me if he could have my overtime. Such a caring soul.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 31, 2010
The few times people have accepted the offer of help have also been weird,
I stopped at the side of the road to help a van driver. Bled the diesel pump and got him going. Ungrateful fecker was disappointed I didn't do a full service for him.