Gentlefolk all, pay heed to my call,
And learn a lesson from my fall.
- Shakespeare, or McGonagall or Somebody
So there I was on Monday, slowing to a walking pace, turning my head to look at an interesting house, and pehaps therefore inadvertently turning the handlebars that way, when I chose that moment to take my right hand off the bars to get a handkerchief from my pocket, would you believe, not seeing a small patch of gravel on the tarmac.
Well, my bike was mostly all right because I broke its fall with my face on the gravelly suface. Fortunately the kind chap living in the interesting house was outside and called an ambulance and stored the bike in his garage. Result: seven hours in A&E, huge loss of blood, suspected skull fracture (fortunately shown not to be the case after a CT scan), a face like Coco the Clown's, and a resolve to try not to do anything so stupid again.
So; to practical matters: the only real casualty on the bike was the Shimano 6-speed gear shifter (first picture). It doesn't seem to be availble online any more, so does anyone know if the one shown in the second picture is compatible (in the 6-speed version, obviously)? Thanks.
And learn a lesson from my fall.
- Shakespeare, or McGonagall or Somebody
So there I was on Monday, slowing to a walking pace, turning my head to look at an interesting house, and pehaps therefore inadvertently turning the handlebars that way, when I chose that moment to take my right hand off the bars to get a handkerchief from my pocket, would you believe, not seeing a small patch of gravel on the tarmac.
Well, my bike was mostly all right because I broke its fall with my face on the gravelly suface. Fortunately the kind chap living in the interesting house was outside and called an ambulance and stored the bike in his garage. Result: seven hours in A&E, huge loss of blood, suspected skull fracture (fortunately shown not to be the case after a CT scan), a face like Coco the Clown's, and a resolve to try not to do anything so stupid again.
So; to practical matters: the only real casualty on the bike was the Shimano 6-speed gear shifter (first picture). It doesn't seem to be availble online any more, so does anyone know if the one shown in the second picture is compatible (in the 6-speed version, obviously)? Thanks.
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