Has anyone bought an old model e bike from a non main dealer I wonder? You do see some 2011/12 models at general bike dealers for very good prices for quality bikes. Some at 60% discount on the new price.
What would the drawbacks be? Apart from getting a bike which the main dealers would claim is outdated and obsolete of course. Would the batteries be in good condition after three years, and would the dealers charge them regularly I wonder? They are said to be sold with full manufactures warranty but if the dealer was a long way away, maybe even in another country I wonder how that would pan out.
I know that dealers who have a presence here offer discounts on older models but I don't think they have too many as old as that.
What would the drawbacks be? Apart from getting a bike which the main dealers would claim is outdated and obsolete of course. Would the batteries be in good condition after three years, and would the dealers charge them regularly I wonder? They are said to be sold with full manufactures warranty but if the dealer was a long way away, maybe even in another country I wonder how that would pan out.
I know that dealers who have a presence here offer discounts on older models but I don't think they have too many as old as that.