This is my last intended entry on this thread, as this is the report on the test run with the new battery – an opportune point to bring this to a conclusion
I just took the electric bike out for it’s first test run with the new battery – and I am very impressed with the results. I exceeded the previous maximum distance point of 7.5 miles comfortably. The first light went out at around 10 miles and the second one was dimming when I stopped at around 13 miles. Unfortunately, the battery was performing better than my knees, which is what brought the test to an end.
Down hills = No power, 6th gear – (16-25mph)
Flat = No power, 5th & 6th gear – (14-16mph)
Flat with headwind = power, 4th & 5th gear – (14-15mph)
Up hill = Power, 3rd, 4th & 5th gear – (11-14mph)
The stats from my Cateye Vel08 were as follows:
Distance= 13.35 miles
Avr speed: 13.3 mph
Max speed: 25.0 mph
The bike is noticeably lighter and the drag is greatly reduced. I was able to maintain 14-15mph on the flat easily without the need for power. It’s more like a normal bike now. When I did apply power I kept it to the minimum. The top speed was up by 1-2 mph and I could still feel the motor slightly nudging me at 16.2 mph. The hill to Tesco’s was interesting, I was able to get about two-thirds of the way up it in second at around 8 mph. Normally first gear all the way. The last (steep) section was first gear at 6 mph. I didn’t get any cutouts under full load, which is good.
I found I was getting well ahead of the gears, especially down the steeper hills and was peddling air a lot of the time. I think maybe I should consider some changes to the back cog, to allow me to take advantage of the increased freewheel.
I think the desired minimum range of 15 miles on these challenging North Cornwall Hills is now possible, maybe perhaps a little bit more once the battery beds in
