Woosh use the Bafang BPM in our Big Bear, Big Bear LS and Zephyr B. It has more torque at low revs than other popular and smaller geared hub motors making it more suitable for heavy riders.
For reference, the BPM weighs 4.5kg compared to the popular bafang SWXH at 2.75kg. We use the BPM code 13 which is marginally slower (no load speed about 230RPM) than SWXH (about 240 RPM) but has much higher torque (about 50NM at 8mph) against the SWXH/SWXK (about 35NM at 8mph). Bikes built with the BPM need to be restricted to be legal.
For reference, the BPM weighs 4.5kg compared to the popular bafang SWXH at 2.75kg. We use the BPM code 13 which is marginally slower (no load speed about 230RPM) than SWXH (about 240 RPM) but has much higher torque (about 50NM at 8mph) against the SWXH/SWXK (about 35NM at 8mph). Bikes built with the BPM need to be restricted to be legal.