I still think you can get consistent results that would be indicative of the bikes' performance under different conditions by just doing simple tests. The conditions of the tests can be consistent enough I think - certainly car tests don't happen in vacuum and some spread is assumed there too.
Most towns (sorry flecc) have an 'industrial estate' with straight asphalt roads that is unused on weekends. I appreciate that bikes can have a varying top speed therefore we could have a 0-to-distance test with the result in seconds. I have been doing a similar thing on my bike every day on the same route and get fairly consistent results.
So how about this:
Standard Test 1 -
0 to 100 meters. From a full stop simply turn the throttle to max and measure the time when you reach the 100m mark.
this will give you a pretty good idea of the bike`s power delivery from start and at low revs, torque curve and this sort of thing which is important in everyday use and pulling out of junctions.
Standard Test 2 -
top speed sustained over 100 m. Get to the throttle-only top speed before the first mark and measure the time to the second mark - then work out the speed in mph.
How to achieve consistent test conditions:
Cyclist weight: 75 kg - simply weigh yourself wearing a rucksack full of bricks/water bottles (that you can get rid of on the way back)- untill you get to 75 kg. If you are heavier get your kids/wife/gran to do it.
Battery condition: Charge the battery to full and cycle to the 'test range' on muscle power only
Wind / Not-quite flat effect: do the test in both directions on a non-so windy day.
Tyres: should be pumped up to bike manuf specs
Time measuring: use a simple stop watch
Data recording: do several tests and average - excluding any single wildly inconsistent results
Distance measuring: preferably do not use bike computer for this unless you measured and entered the actual distance covered per 1 rev while you are sitting on the bike as circumference
Now on the 'Range' test - I see it can get fuzzy - you will need to ride the bike around the block until it stops - obviously speed here will have a huge effect on results i.e. there would be speeds that get you further than others.
However I think the above 2 tests will also indicate the range performance - because all bikes are rated at constant 200w the only other things that would affect the range are battery size and 'mechanical efficiency' - which is tested in tests 1 and 2 especiallly.
obviously I intend to lead by example and have a go at this myslelf