Derestrict via new controller?


Jan 12, 2008
Hi All,

I am loving my electric bike. Great fun :D

One thing I do find annoying is when the pedal assist 'decides' that I'm going fast enough.

My bike has a 36v controller (WZK-80 2JL, 36v, 15A+-1, 31.5v +-0.5, 26" data markings) and a hub motor.

My question is.....If I swap my controller for a higher wattage output or wheel size information will this allow my bike to go faster?




Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex

Hi All,

I am loving my electric bike. Great fun :D

One thing I do find annoying is when the pedal assist 'decides' that I'm going fast enough.

My bike has a 36v controller (WZK-80 2JL, 36v, 15A+-1, 31.5v +-0.5, 26" data markings) and a hub motor.

My question is.....If I swap my controller for a higher wattage output or wheel size information will this allow my bike to go faster?


Hi Capn_phil68,

i was wondering what sort of 36v motor you have ?

a work-around for this problem if you have throttle as well as pedelec sensor, & by running a simple on/off thumb switch to the red cable of the pedelec sensor 5v+ line, you can then use pedelec on to get you up to speed, switch pedelec off and you should find the throttle then has a little more range, my 35kg 'chunk' still gives a bit of push at 19mph with the sensor off. ( 15.2mph with it 'on' ).

i've tried several controllers, there is quite a variation in performance, some have un-pluggable limiters, some have no pedelec function & work from throttle only, none come with any instructions worth having, plug fitments can be random, cable colour codes deliberately reversed and all other manner of fun.

it's a jungle out...makes me wonder....



Jan 12, 2008
Hi Beeps and thanks,

Will give the over-ride work-around a go this weekend.

Not sure about the motor. The bike is a full suspension entry model with, I think, a brushed 250w motor. Wasn't looking for a dual suspension bike, but due to the weight 38Kg and subsequent 'pothole, speed and gravity' mix I am really glad I did. Haven't cycled properly for years and the condition of the roads is truly awful. Where did my road tax go?????

Having a bit of trouble coming up with a suitable solution to fitting a rear rack and panniers, but will get there soon and am sticking to the mountain bike tyres for winter (going to use tube liners to reduce puncture frequency).


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
power button ?

Hi Beeps and thanks,

Will give the over-ride work-around a go this weekend.

Not sure about the motor. The bike is a full suspension entry model with, I think, a brushed 250w motor. Wasn't looking for a dual suspension bike, but due to the weight 38Kg and subsequent 'pothole, speed and gravity' mix I am really glad I did. Haven't cycled properly for years and the condition of the roads is truly awful. Where did my road tax go?????

Having a bit of trouble coming up with a suitable solution to fitting a rear rack and panniers, but will get there soon and am sticking to the mountain bike tyres for winter (going to use tube liners to reduce puncture frequency).
i looked back over your posts to ID your bike, i found a previous post where you mentioned....


Think we have a similar bike.I did research on this bike and it seems the power button doesn't do anything!

Just got mine and locktite(d) all the fiddly screws/bolts, waterproofed the controller/switch gear/lights etc, wd40(d) the bright steel stuff with wd40 and sealed all frame openings with a dollop of vaseline.

if you can identify the cable to this switch/power button, the job is done, before that, you can try the arrangement by just unplugging the sensor and see how the bike goes with just throttle alone up to & hopefully past the sensor cutoff speed.

good luck,
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Jan 12, 2008
Hi All,

Will keep all informed of my progress and the closest that I have been able to track the origins of my bike is.......

Electric Bike (TDE01Z-443) - China E-Bike,Electric Bicycle,Bicycle in Electric Bike & Parts

One of the great things about bikes (normal, electric and motor) is the relationship I find between vehicle and user/ owner that, for me, doesn't exist with other forms of transport. Could be the nature of exposure to the elements and danger and I am finding that I am constantly tinkering with my bike. Excellent :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
KTO - Keep Tinkering On

Hi All,

Will keep all informed of my progress and the closest that I have been able to track the origins of my bike is.......

Electric Bike (TDE01Z-443) - China E-Bike,Electric Bicycle,Bicycle in Electric Bike & Parts

One of the great things about bikes (normal, electric and motor) is the relationship I find between vehicle and user/ owner that, for me, doesn't exist with other forms of transport. Could be the nature of exposure to the elements and danger and I am finding that I am constantly tinkering with my bike. Excellent :)
Yessiree, tha's ma bike, i have a Black Hawk with the brushed 36v 250w hub motor,

initially had a problem with the controller dropping the power at 15mph and only re-supplying at about 10, most annoying, felt like someone had dropped a big box of bricks on the back, then i started to experiment with the pedal sensor and changing the controller, i use SLA and found i get the same mileage from a battery with the pedelec on, as i do using throttle & pedalling only with the pedal sensor disengaged.

currently i am lacing up a 250w brushless hub motor for this bike as i find them more responsive & a considerable increase in range from the same SLAs, plus they seem to pull better on a hill.

let us know how you get on,


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
it's always black...

I found this one Elektrofahrrad Mountainbike - Citybike
and this one Liberty Electric Bikes Online Store , can't believe the prices they are asking for these bikes .
this has been a standard £300 eBay import for about 18 months.

There are several badges for this bike, Bayamo Extreme is another, Power Cruiser was i think, the first, it is a solid machine and very comfortable, but many seem to suffer with the controller - the problem seems to be in the pedelec sensor, which does'nt just stop giving more power at the 15mph cutoff, but actually stops all power to the motor, forcing a rapid slowdown until the pedelec sensor circuit kicks back in, and resupplies the power, very irritating unless you can cycle happily at just under the cutoff point, or get used to kick-starting the pedal ( half turn reverse pedal ) when the cut-off occurrs.

still tinkering,


Jan 12, 2008
Woohoo! my lil, fat, bike is now derestricted.

Was a trial and error thing with unplugging connections and seeing what happened and plugging them back in again.

Mods are almost coming to an end, with only the pannier rack to be fitted to modified mountings.

Tho think that my bikes batteries are not up-to-speed re: range I require, but this will be checked in throttle mode rather than peddle assist as I feel pa is sometimes not required, but kicks in anyway.

Musing about building a small unicycle, close linked (9") trailer to house batteries.

All in all, great fun :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
Hi Beeps , could you tell me , where on the bike is the pedelec sensor ?

Thanks Wizard
Hi Wizard,

in the control box under your battery, carefully pull out the jumble of wires, there are several cables which exit the back hole, find the fat cable which leads to the hub motor, one set of cables ends in small white plug which then enters the controller, the wires are coloured red,black & usually yellow. disconnect this plug, now try your throttle.

you should now have no pedelec, just throttle, give it a whirl.

good luck,
Woohoo! my lil, fat, bike is now derestricted.

Was a trial and error thing with unplugging connections and seeing what happened and plugging them back in again.

Mods are almost coming to an end, with only the pannier rack to be fitted to modified mountings.

Tho think that my bikes batteries are not up-to-speed re: range I require, but this will be checked in throttle mode rather than peddle assist as I feel pa is sometimes not required, but kicks in anyway.

Musing about building a small unicycle, close linked (9") trailer to house batteries.

All in all, great fun :)
Hi Phil , so you've done it , well done mate , could you give me a run down on what connections you altered / disconnected , and what speed do you now get .


Jan 12, 2008
Hi Wizard,

Got a dose of cold at the mo so not biking for a day or so to the best of my recollection (did several tries)it was a small black three wired push on connector and wires were black, red and yellow. I checked by throttle by using the kick stand as a 'third wheel' and pulling the bike towards me so as the rear wheel was off the ground and then checked by engaging the throttle and there was no signs of limitation e.g motor cut out. dont think it will make a huge diff to speed maybe a few mph,but will stop the annoying cut off.
See how it goes and I may change the smallest rear cog to smaller to increase top speed.


Jan 12, 2008
No and thanks for the link :)

What an elegant solution and think that is the way to go with maybe a smaller wheel. could also fabricate a rear rack for extra carrying capability.

Yep, low slung batteries on either side.

I LOVE this. I have a new form of personal transport and a hobby thrown in to boot!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex

Hi Wizard,

See how it goes and I may change the smallest rear cog to smaller to increase top speed.
how about trying an increase in the front crank wheel - took mine up to a 52 gives me just the right cadence to pedal comfortably, un-powered at about 16mph on the flat once i've throttled up to that speed and there's usually just a little bit of juice left under the paw. so to speak. i get about the right level of exercise using throttle & pedalling, the pedelec was more help than i wanted.

hope your cold subsides as the weather improves,