de-restricting Ezee bikes


Oct 25, 2006
I believe more people die from smoking related diseases than they do from drowning in the sea.
But the government doesn't encourage smoking, they do encourage the swimming that drowns, illustrating the contrariness that Rooel was commenting on.

Henry Ford was right when he said history is bunkum, and since eZee no longer make any models derestrictable, I thought the thread subject had died in favour of a discourse on yoghurt. :D

Still, in a spirit of helpfulness and to get back to your subject, you could hide the switch in a yoghurt pot.
But the government doesn't encourage smoking
You're thinking in the box.... step back and have a think "out" of the box. Of course the government encourages smoking, there is duty involved and smokers keep the NHS running so be sure either subliminally or in an underhanded way the buggers encourage smoking. In fact, saying to someone "don't do that it's bad for you" can have the opposite effect and that person will turn round with an "up yours asshole, I'll do what I like" type response.

The democratically elected dictators that run this country have to get coins from the masses and if they genuinely don't encourage smoking they would ban tobacco from being sold... all this banning people from smoking in public places is just a smokescreen and smokers will still smoke, just in a different place and when they "are" in that different place (ie: outside their work premises) they will tend to smoke three in a row instead of only the one they would have had they been inside..... so that's a x 3 increase in smoking relating revenue for the dictators.

If you believe that a government "governs" and is responsible for the state of play in society today then you'll soon realise they're a bunch of crooks who are out to coin it in from any angle to hell with the consequences.... the streets are full of junkies, crack heads, smokers, drunkards, hooligans, yobbos, prostitutes etc. etc. etc. Most of the inner cities are driven by vice with the dictators (at the top of the chain) profiting from it all. 24/7 gambling, 24/7 drinking, 24/7 petrol pumps pumping..... it's all money!

So, IMO, not only do the dictators encourage smoking they also welcome smokers with open arms..... if it wasn't for smokers and drivers this country would be in a worst state than Iraq (was going to say "China" but they're in a pretty good state - petrol and fag sales are a booming over there)


Oct 25, 2006
I agree with much of that, but not the smoking. Why? Because of the swings and roundabouts, the NHS spending as much and more on smoking related disease than the income from the minority population that now smokes, so they've nothing to gain.

That's thinking outside the box, looking at the whole picture. :p :D

Our democratic governance is indeed an elective dictatorship, largely staffed by self-seekers, the minority remainder being misguided fools who think they can actually do good within our system. :rolleyes:

Best not put the remote in a fag packet though, the police might look in there for concealed "puff". ;)
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Jan 24, 2008
Bristol (BS14) UK.
Just one of the many anomalies in our governance Rooel, one I often quote being that in many years, more drown in UK waters than pedestrians are killed on our roads. The great majority of those who drown do so because they are swimmers, non swimmers keeping clear of the water. But governments strongly encourage people to learn to swim, creating a fresh batch for future drowning. They say it could save a life, but as often as not, would be rescuers drown themselves as well.
Hi flecc! - I think that's hilarious, " ...creating a fresh batch for future drowning". Although there is a lot of truth in that statement, it did make I chuckle-quite a lot. :D


Oct 25, 2006
Hi flecc! - I think that's hilarious, " ...creating a fresh batch for future drowning". Although there is a lot of truth in that statement, it did make I chuckle-quite a lot. :D
I do tend to be a bit caustic when commenting on the "qualities" of our governance. :D


I'll agree with Fleccs smoking comments and comments in general re government but there are success stories in government. we're jut not allowed to talk about them as the other 99% of stuff that goes wrong drowns out the news :)


The only civil serpent that makes a difference :)


Oct 25, 2006
I'll agree with Fleccs smoking comments and comments in general re government but there are success stories in government. we're jut not allowed to talk about them as the other 99% of stuff that goes wrong drowns out the news :)


The only civil serpent that makes a difference :)
It's the system and the political aspects of it that's more the problem in my view Paul, rather than individuals.

Of course not everything portrayed by the media as wrong actually is. Policies do need to be given a chance, something the media is very poor at doing.

And to end with the usual alibi, some of my best friends are civil servants. :D


You don't need to tell me that mate. I spend more time fighting the system than I do getting the day job done :) so I guess i do after all fit into the second catagory above :) still, at least the pension arrangements are good!



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
It's the system and the political aspects of it that's more the problem in my view Paul, rather than individuals.

Of course not everything portrayed by the media as wrong actually is. Policies do need to be given a chance, something the media is very poor at doing.

And to end with the usual alibi, some of my best friends are civil servants. :D
Never trust the media- let alone the government. iIalways get this feeling, when I already know the detail of a story that's being reported, that at least half of it is total rubbish. Leads me to think half of all stories may be rubbish:rolleyes:


Oct 25, 2006
Never trust the media- let alone the government. iIalways get this feeling, when I already know the detail of a story that's being reported, that at least half of it is total rubbish. Leads me to think half of all stories may be rubbish:rolleyes:
That's true of all of us with experience of a subject, the media version exposing how riddled with errors it is.

There's the more serious aspect of deliberate planned government lying though, but that's one for The Charging Post sometime.