This does sound like a battery problem. Why is it only 36v? It should be closer to 42v when fully charged.Finally got a chance to carry out some more tests today, apologies for hanging onto your loan kit Mike for longer than expected.
Dave, with battery at about 36v, I've got 4.3v as the throttle. Throttle signal measures 3.5v when throttle is fully off, dropping to 0.7v at full throttle.
At a signal level below about 3v (approx 1/3 twist) the motor kicks smoothly in either low, medium or high power setting. As before the motor spins for about 1/3 rev before cutting out.
If i keep the throttle more then 1/3 open, the motor kicks repeatedly for 1/3 rev, then cuts out, then cuts in after 1-2secs for another 1/3 rev etc etc.
Battery voltage (measured with a cheap DVM that is showing average voltage and I don't know what the refresh rate is), shows that voltage generally stays above 32v, but occasionally drops below 30v. However DVM reports voltage as being above 32v for most of the time, during which the motor is kicking on/off.
I'm starting to suspect that the battery is weak, and the refresh rate on my DVM is to slow to show this.
Does the SKU65 drop out immediately when voltage hits 30v, or does it have a soft ramp down from say 32v?
I'm going to try to get to kit set up on a test bench at work and either use a scope to measure battery voltage with a suitable high frequency, or try pressing the kit from a bench top power supply.
In the meantime I'll leave the battery on an overnight charge and try again tomorrow.
Does that sound sensible?
Cheers, Adam
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