With the high state of security awareness (some say paranoia) because of the Olympic Games, I will reiterate from my previous post in this thread.You obviously dont live around here where there's a set of lights every 200 yards - no cyclist in their right mind stops at a red light round this part of London! - as neither do the pedestrians - we all manage just fine with this arrangement - you just pick your moment and its all fine - one or two people who like to see themselves as policing the universe get upset but never in my experience at anything dangerous - just their unquestioned blind compliance with the law. If its safe - I jump the light just like everybody else - its all about awareness - if you have it and you're watching whats going on then fine - and I always make sure nobody else - be it a pedestrian or otherwise ever has to slow down because of what I'm up to - and thats what most others do.
If on the other hand you're piling through reds at 26 shouting at people - well you deserve all you get.
I would exercise extreme caution while the Olympics are on with regard to violating road traffic laws.
If you are travelling along any route that leads to an event, you may find ‘Red light Jumping’ carries an additional definition to ‘failure to stop at a traffic signal’.
Security threat is the easiest definition to use, I would not want to be a cyclist jumping a Red light, especially with a backpack on…enough said….