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Fully agree, he's posted a further 65 links in this thread in separate posts since your above timely protest.Just popping in to break the monotony of pasted articles from the same person.
Without the occasional alternative post from somebody else there's a risk of epilepsy if scrolling down the page too fast.
It's the first time I've dipped into this thread but I see what you mean.Fully agree, he's posted a further 65 links in this thread in separate posts since your above timely protest.
Worse still he keeps posting long runs of the links into other threads as well, spoiling the threads for everyone else, doing it yesterday in another thread with a run of 20 link posts, thus burying other's posts of real interest.
I'd have thought that he might have noticed that nobody is responding, showing that his link posting is of no interest so giving him the hint to stop.
Wait until all the price increases are in, then the eyes will water!Rather than diet, I think it may be a heart failure from reading my next energy bill that gets me. Or a nuclear explosion when the Ukraine situation gets warmed up.
Good man!
I've made my own natto in the past as well. I find it a bit hit and miss. You need to leave it long enough for the bacteria to multiply, but no so long that the beans start to go a bit off!
Its an art I've obviously not mastered well enough :-(
I've made it with (the traditional) soy beans, but I have heard that chickpeas work as well - I'll have to give it a go. I like chickpeas
Whether or not it helps directly with Covid is perhaps a moot point. Natto is really, really good for you. Its not just the fermented/probiotic aspect, its the fact that its incredibly high in vitamin K2 MK-7 (like - super, incredibly high!!).
Does making natto with chickpeas have the same K2 content ?? I don't know on that one.
You may have inspired me to defrost a cube of natto to make a starter and I'll give the chickpea version a go later this weekend!
It will be interesting to see what the posted profits of the energy companies are next year.Wait until all the price increases are in, then the eyes will water!
I'm getting mixed messages at the moment. Pensions up 3.1%, but income tax also up due the the personal allowances not keeping pace.
But my electricity is way up long before the promised savage April increase. This time last year I was paying 15.71 pence per unit. Now after several increases it's at 21.55 pence, already up over 37%, long before April.
The forum member 'Oyster' recently mentioned that he'd had shingles. The discussion may have been over on the 'brexit' thread.Has anyone had shingles PHN?
Here's the link to Oyster's first post about it.The forum member 'Oyster' recently mentioned that he'd had shingles. The discussion may have been over on the 'brexit' thread.
Fewer beans, fewer loo rolls.I wasn't going to stockpile loo rolls and beans again
Is that a recommendation or observation? Oodles of both are available, just not for the same money as a couple of years ago - I've still got some beans from my last spree: chickpeas, black, masses of lentils an other legumes, lots of TVP which doesn't actually have a use-by date because it doesn't go off if kept air-sealed and dry...Fewer beans, fewer loo rolls.