Cycling. Health. Covid. Diet.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
well if you want a easy life on benefits it is prob a good idea to not rock the boat and get 2 members of staff sacked in the process of defending my rights. :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
well if you want a easy life on benefits it is prob a good idea to not rock the boat and get 2 members of staff sacked in the process of defending my rights. :p
...till you get Covinated...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Politifact is the last organisation you should trust. Read what they wrote. Think about why they wrote it. What are they actually saying? What evidence do they give to support their arguments? What's the extent of the evidence? A very obvious tactic that people spreading fakery use (straight out of the communists handbook) is to try to discredit people rather than use facts against them. You can see that tactic used in this article.

Another tactic written in the communist handbook is to use terms and labels with the opposite meaning to disorient and divert attention, so if you want to be a fascist, label yourself artifacist and call your opponents facists. If you want to spread disinformation, call yourself a fact checker and label your opponents conspiracy theorists. If you want to be a racist, call yourself something against racism and label your opponents racists, etc.


Mar 20, 2020
Hi folks! Lots of interesting stuff here!
Can anyone give the actual number of deaths in the UK confirmed as caused by the various Covid vaccines? Or is it being hidden? All I could find was that just over 1,600 people have died within 28days of the jab, 72 of which were confirmed as being caused by blood-clots due to the various vaccines. The rest were just recorded deaths, not directly linked to vaccines (like age-related illnesses). This was from the link Soundwave provided, that I read. TIA.

Deleted member 16246

Read this carefully. Somebody knew enough to pay £1.5 mil to find out about the expected high number of adverse covid-19 drug reactions:

Is this indicative of some plot by the lizard people?

If you aim to vaccinate the entire population of a country - twice, you will get a lot of reports (many entirely spurious) of perceived adverse reactions. This could easily overwhelm the available clerical staff available to process reports, so the government initiated a purchase order for a computer system to help process the numbers of issues they expected.

My partner is a GP. She was part of a vaccination programme that at times was administering half a million jabs a day in the period of last spring. Any population of half million people, especially as it was, generally elderly people, will at any normal time, suffer large numbers of deaths, collapses, random illnesses and symptoms. This is NORMAL - ENTIRELY NORMAL. On average in the UK, 1500 people die every single day of the year, so it was entirely to be expected that a large number of people would report vaccine concerns over health issues which coincidentally appeared soon after vaccination. These MUST be all recorded, tabulated and looked at to see whether the reports were of issues that were likely caused by the vaccine. THAT is what the procurement is about.

In fact there have been issues. About one in a million died probably because of the vaccine. About one in 250,000 had issues which were quite serious. These numbers however are DWARFED by the damage and death caused by covid.

The absolute idiotic stupidity of the anti vax campaigners, is born out by the current issues in the USA in the red states which have massive hospital admissions and unnecessary deaths from Covid-19 right now. In the USA currently, 97% of Covid hospital admissions are of the unvaccinated and they make up a higher still proportion of those dying from the disease. Source :

The USA has quite low levels of vaccine acceptance often on party lines and they now have a covid death tally of 654,000 which is about one in 500 of the population. Since 62% of the US population is vaccinated this falls heavily now on the unvaccinated. For comparison of numbers, during WW2 the USA suffered 418,500 deaths, so COVID has in 18 months carried off 150% of the number killed in WW2.

Just for emphasis. Covid deaths in USA are one in 500 of the whole population and vaccine deaths are about a thousandth of that figure.

Keep on blowing this horn VFR400, but you are a thousand times as likely to be killed by covid as you are by the covid vaccine.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Hi folks! Lots of interesting stuff here!
Can anyone give the actual number of deaths in the UK confirmed as caused by the various Covid vaccines? Or is it being hidden? All I could find was that just over 1,600 people have died within 28days of the jab, 72 of which were confirmed as being caused by blood-clots due to the various vaccines. The rest were just recorded deaths, not directly linked to vaccines (like age-related illnesses). This was from the link Soundwave provided, that I read. TIA.
You will never get the true facts because there are too many political and financial agendas. That report was done a while ago and there have been some deaths attributed to it since. My reckoning is that people are generally busy or lazy, so there is every chance that a lot of reactions are not going to get reported and because it takes time and effort to fill in the reports, the doctors, probably wouldn't do it unless they were sure or worried, so I would guess that the actual deaths and adverse reactions are a lot higher. That's just from using basic logic.

It's only when all the reports are summed together to give the overall situation that the political and financial motives take effect, so they all add their spin to the results in order to promote their agendas.

Deleted member 16246

Hi folks! Lots of interesting stuff here!
Can anyone give the actual number of deaths in the UK confirmed as caused by the various Covid vaccines? Or is it being hidden? All I could find was that just over 1,600 people have died within 28days of the jab, 72 of which were confirmed as being caused by blood-clots due to the various vaccines. The rest were just recorded deaths, not directly linked to vaccines (like age-related illnesses). This was from the link Soundwave provided, that I read. TIA.
The figure you quote of 1600 people dying within 28 days of the jab is liable to dangerous misinterpretation. The UK has administered almost a hundred million jabs. In any large population, many people die every day from a variety of causes. Last January, we were vaccinating hundreds of thousands of very elderly people every day. It is absolutely to be expected that these people will die any day, whether they had a vaccine or not.

I believe that about 330 deaths have been attributed to blood clots which were probably a result of reaction to the vaccine. 330 out of a hundred million is below anyones probability of dying anyway.

Take care how you interpret numbers if you don't want to deceive yourself.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
You will never get the true facts because there are too many political and financial agendas. That report was done a while ago and there have been some deaths attributed to it since. My reckoning is that people are generally busy or lazy, so there is every chance that a lot of reactions are not going to get reported and because it takes time and effort to fill in the reports, the doctors, probably wouldn't do it unless they were sure or worried, so I would guess that the actual deaths and adverse reactions are a lot higher. That's just from using basic logic.

It's only when all the reports are summed together to give the overall situation that the political and financial motives take effect, so they all add their spin to the results in order to promote their agendas.
Yes, but they already had a system for collecting data on adverse vaccine reactions. Why did they have to spend 1.5 mil on another one? Note the wording of the tender.

Deleted member 16246

You will never get the true facts because there are too many political and financial agendas. That report was done a while ago and there have been some deaths attributed to it since. My reckoning is that people are generally busy or lazy, so there is every chance that a lot of reactions are not going to get reported and because it takes time and effort to fill in the reports, the doctors, probably wouldn't do it unless they were sure or worried, so I would guess that the actual deaths and adverse reactions are a lot higher. That's just from using basic logic.

It's only when all the reports are summed together to give the overall situation that the political and financial motives take effect, so they all add their spin to the results in order to promote their agendas.
Conspiracy theory idiocy.

If I started ponificating about battery chemistry issues without evidence of experience, or how best to programme a motor controller on the basis of thoughts I'd pulled out of my backside, or copied and pasted from some lunatic site on youtube, you would quite rightly give me very short shrift and tell me how I should listen to people who actually KNOW about that stuff - such as yourself. However - for some bizarre reason, that only applies to YOU and people like you. You are somehow gifted to use your own personal prejudices, interests in conspiratorial numbnuttery and gifted guesswork to make continual pronouncements on public health, vaccination and disease control. You glibly contradict our visiting Emergency Department Consultant, Nigel, and ignore the evidenced advice he has given you about how insane your positions are. He has repeatedly shown you why you are wrong, but no - - - - you know better.

Deleted member 16246

Yes, but they already had a system for collecting data on adverse vaccine reactions. Why did they have to spend 1.5 mil on another one? Note the wording of the tender.
Because we don't generally administer even a small fraction of the number of vaccines as we had to do in 2021. A hundred million doses. Given the perfectly ordinary incidence of illnesses and deaths we always have, the scale of needed investigation was going to overwhelm the capacity of the existing system. Remember - ANYONE can report a suspected adverse reaction. Thousands of the cases reported have been expected reactions to any vaccine - fatigue. Any time you get a vaccination, they warn you that you may get a sore arm, or feel tired and below par for a day or so. This is because in mounting a reaction to the foreign dna in the vaccine, your body does its usual thing of inflaming the site of the injection and mounting an immune response. THAT is EXACTLY what we want it to do. In doing so, the resultant antibodies will recognise the actual disease. There have been thousands of such reports to the yellow card system.

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Mar 20, 2020
Hi Tony. Yes, I was pointing out that the link Soundwave used to imply tens or hundreds of thousands have died due to the various vaccines being used actually stated that 1600 had died within 28 days of getting the vaccine. It also goes on to say that people die every day from all sorts of reasons, so you would expect around 1600 to die anyway. I thought it was ironic that his ‘proof’ countered his own argumen.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
and it is the worst vaccine roll out in history as well death wise. and it still does not stop you getting it either after 2 doses.

it is up to you if you want to take it or not and as history shows nothing is 100% safe just look at the usa and there system they pay out billions in damages every year.

but this comes from the tax payer as these company's can not be sued under law.