just to let everyone know that I was able to register as if I was a new charge point. If anyone wants to do that then here are the tips:
Go to home page and select REGISTER button at top of screen:
CycleCharge - The UK's E-Bike Battery Charging Scheme
file out the details and select REGISTER
you should then get this:
Thank you for registering
then select the "setup a profile" link (underlined in yellow)
You will then be presented with a "Nucleus CMS" page which looks a bit naff but works ok (Paul is working on improving the presentation)
Enter your username and password (again!)
You will then be presented with another "Nucleus CMS" page
Select "edit your settings"
YOu will then be presented with another "Nucleus CMS" page which has TWO parts. EDIT MEMBER and (scroll down) EDIT PROFILE
The MINIMUM you need to do to become a CHARGE POINT is:
Select Membership Type "chargepoint"
QED - thats it! ...
Obviously you can enter more information but as I am planning to register a few local businesses I'm only going to do the above for now.
If you try to do what I have done and need help then contact me via PM and I'll help.