Cycle rage - do you suffer


Jul 28, 2011
I think I suffer from cycle rage instead of road rage sometimes. Is there a cure or some pills I can take? Like chill out pills?

I have been cycling to work and back for the best of 6 years or so 7.5 miles there and back. Normal aspirated bike now electric since last July as my knee has gone going up the hills (getting old).

Anyway I am getting angry with school kids, Dog walkers, Car drivers by the time I get home I am angry. If you ring your bell on a cycle path they look and stay exactly where they are call you a fat B*****D (I am fat or is it big boned?) as you go past (I’ve had that said from a few drop bar cyclists in lycra as I go past) etc.

I have to admit on a couple of occasions I have stopped my bike and say what did you say? They normally back down then (thank god). On one occasion a couple of years ago on a cycle path a few kids wouldn’t let me through. I didn’t know what age they were and I crashed my bike trying to avoid them. I got up and grabbed the tallest by the throat and was about to hit him (some girls calmed me down) then realised he must have been all of 17ish (about my lads age) with a spotty face and let go.

I just said to him it’s your lucky day mate be aware of cyclists (to be fair he was pretty scared).

To this day I am not proud of this incident but I really do get angry sometimes.

I know you are going to say take some chill out pills but have you had the cycle rage bit?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 27, 2009
Cambridge, UK
Well you are at least very honest which is a good start. I also think it is probably bothering you and that perhaps more stuff may be going on rather than just people annoying you when you are on your bike. We all often have outlets for our frustration and maybe this is yours. Anyway enough of my pathetic attempt to analyse and on to answering your question.

Occasionally I might get annoyed with a car driver that pulls out in front of me and even shout something out. I doubt I would ever physically threaten someone mainly because I am a wimp and would probably get the c*** beaten out of me.

For me personally, once I lose control of my temper I kind of think I have failed to rise above the situation. Life is much more enjoyable if you learn to laugh this kind of stuff off. Often if you don't over react with people when they pull out in front of you, then they will apologise. I always then try to say don't worry these things happen.

After all I know I have done stupid stuff both on my bike and in the car.

For me if I got to a point where cycling was making me angry and prone to physical aggression, I would stop. All I can tell you is since I started cycling to work every day, over two years ago, it has transformed my working day and added to the peace that many of us find later in life if we are lucky.


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Apr 2, 2011
Sorry to hear about your troubles with the non cycling public

I have had no problems so far - most people I pass seem to be pretty friendly and I have never had any confrontations enough to get worked up about. I ring my bell and slow down and thank people who let me through.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 27, 2009
Cambridge, UK
Good point about the bell though just ringing it and passing is often not enough as you say. I have noticed if you ring your bell and people move over, if you then fail to thank them for doing so some will often then pass a sarcastic comment. Again the solution as you say is a simple thank you as you pass which always goes down well :)

Some kids shouted at me a while back "that's a sick bike mate", I quickly cycled on thinking I was getting abuse only to be told by my daughters that they were complementing me :eek:


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Jul 28, 2011
Jerry in fact you are right perhaps I need to cool down a tad. Its probably the motorbike accident I had many years ago and am still angry about the car that done a u turn in front of me (different story). People that say something after I have gone past etc (like i am fat) I do take offence to because of my accident and knee problem obviously I have put on weight since. Why should I take it it? Some people can turn a blind eye but I don't think they should get away with it. Probably get beaten to a pulp one day but I kept my cause.

Blew it

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2008
Swindon, Wiltshire
Stress and mood management courses.

....I know you are going to say take some chill out pills but have you had the cycle rage bit?.....
Donkeydoo, as a working man, all of your rides are at a time of day when just about the entire population of Swindon is also on the move.....and every single one of them, including yourself, is on a 'mission'. This also includes Swindon Cowboy Services van drivers. On the many occasions when 'space-invasion' impedes the mission, then participants enter into combat mode.....the mission must be any cost!

If you're really concerned about the possibility of moving into the 'red-mist' zone, then perhaps a visit to your GP might be in order. The days when a GP would prescribe a pill-for-every-ill are long gone, he would probably suggest referring you to a Stress and Mood Management course. This relatively low level course shouldn't be mistaken for the higher level Anger Management, usually reserved for those of a permanently agressive nature. The courses are free, and would take a little of your leisure time spread over five weeks.

"......The aim of the course is to teach you about ways of coping with stressful situations and how to reduce the feelings of anxiety, depression and anger that problems in life produce. It also aims to reduce stress-related illness. The course will teach relaxation and ways of controlling unhelpful thoughts as well as encouraging a holistic approach to healthy lifestyles.

The courses are run by members of the Clinical Psychology Department. It is a taught course and no-one will be forced to talk about their own problems, although there will be discussion times and an opportunity to learn from others in the group, if desired. The course is free of charge, however donations for refreshments would be appreciated

You can read about the course Stress management - Swindon - Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP)HERE

Damn! it's done it again :eek:...oh well....just click on the bold text for the link.

Stay safe


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 31, 2010
I have something which I call "pavement rage" and I get extremely irritated by slow people walking in front of me holding me up, people walking towards me (into me) without looking, even cyclists who insist on cycling on the pavement at an extremely slow pace. One of the reasons I got into ebiking. I don't do shared pavement/cycle paths either.

In other cities (like Birmingham) I haven't had this problem.