--------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry if this is old ground, but any recommendations for a good waterproof jacket?
I have found the cape the best bet also , last one I bought was army surplus.. It doubled as a ground sheet..so needed a bit of refashoning.Whatever happened to cycling capes? They were simple and cheap, plus worked OK (unless it was very windy).
As a lad I used to do a paper round on my bike and my bright yellow cape was probably one of the most effective ways of staying fairly dry, plus it kept my paper sack dry as well.
I haven't seen them about for some time though - must be a fashion thing...........
They're still about. A quick google search will bring up a few sites. I agree that you don't see them that often now though. Only problem I remember was that cars and lorries overtaking you through puddles could result in a very unwelcome upwards spraying inside your cape.......Whatever happened to cycling capes? They were simple and cheap, plus worked OK (unless it was very windy).
As a lad I used to do a paper round on my bike and my bright yellow cape was probably one of the most effective ways of staying fairly dry, plus it kept my paper sack dry as well.
I haven't seen them about for some time though - must be a fashion thing...........
Raleigh Traditional Cycle CapeWhatever happened to cycling capes? They were simple and cheap, plus worked OK (unless it was very windy).
As a lad I used to do a paper round on my bike and my bright yellow cape was probably one of the most effective ways of staying fairly dry, plus it kept my paper sack dry as well.
I haven't seen them about for some time though - must be a fashion thing...........
Who mentioned capes!!!
Could be the cautious PC thing on descriptions, like the way saying "waterproof" became too risky and "water resistant" took it's place.The Raleigh traditional cape is advertised as "showerproof". Not like the ones we used to wear, ours were more likely to have been bomb-proof! Isn't that right, chaps?
Flecc,Could be the cautious PC thing on descriptions, like the way saying "waterproof" became too risky and "water resistant" took it's place.
It will usually keep your upper legs pretty dry (barring splashes that come up from underneath). I used to wear wellies to keep my lower legs dry, but would guess that there has to be a better way now, maybe waterproof leggings.Does a cape protect your legs though?
I've been looking for some kind of ultra lightweight jacket and overtrousers that will pack to an extremely small size like an under saddle bag or a small rucksack. I have bought a racing bike for the good weather days and am not planning to add any luggage onto it but will still need to carry some kind of waterproofs incase the weather turns while I'm at work.