Cyclamatic CX2 problem


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
Hi all I'm new to electric bikes and have a problem with my wife's cyclomatic cx2
she loves the bike it is perfect for her the only problem is quite often in the top power setting (high mode) the bike doesn't go any faster and just holds back at around 10 or 11 miles an hour. If you stop pedalling for a short while or stop and start again it seems to pick up and go to full speed at around 15mph as normal, or if you go from medium power and up to high it seems to work ok then. It has a display like the one in the picture, the battery i was told was new and it lasts a good while, anyone any ideas
many thanks



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
The control system is speed control. Each level on the panel is a different maximum speed. Without any instruction from the panel, the controller defaults to level 1. Most likely, either the panel got water in it or the green wire has been pulled or broken. The green wire has a voltage of 1v on level 1, 2v on level 2 and 3v on level 3. Red and black power the panel. Blue powers the controller when the panel is switched on, and the other two work the lights. The red black and blue must be OK otherwise the controller would shut down.

Did you check the connectors?


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
checked all the connectors on the speed controller they all look fine and clean, its weird it works fine on low and medium just high that has the intermittent fault :(


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
checked all the connectors on the speed controller they all look fine and clean, its weird it works fine on low and medium just high that has the intermittent fault :(
If it works on low and medium, it can't be the green wire. That only leaves water got into the panel. Some of them can be opened to have a look.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
just checked all connections and seem fine went out to test it and it worked fine until i went over a bump and then it started holding back again until i braked and stopped pedalling or went i through the power modes from low to high again , so it seems like a loose connection somewhere anyone anymore ideas could it be the battery? cheers dave


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 2, 2016
Beds & Norfolk it seems like a loose connection somewhere anyone anymore ideas could it be the battery?
If it were the battery/supply issue the whole bike would blip out/die.

As a newer member here you may not know that @saneagle knows these cyclamatic bikes inside out and has been fixing them professionally for many years.

What he says is logical: If it were a loose display connection modes 1 & 2 would be intermittent too. As mode 1 & 2 work fine but only mode 3 is temperamental, some kind of water damage on the display board is quite possible. Follow his guidance: Open and inspect/clean it if you can (there are many variants of the 790 display so it's not a given you can open it without damaging it).

Good luck.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
thanks for the reply
i will try to have a look inside and try give it a clean, looks like it opens cant see any screws just seems the plastic is clipped together, if not i can purchase a new one they don't seem expensive, once again thanks for the info guys :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
After a long ride in heavy rain: Intermittent issues with my Canon 650D DSLR caused by moisture - I've been drying it out for a week so far in a sealed bag with these:

It looks promising, SD cards which weren't previously recognised now are. I'll dry it out for another week...