Hello all,
I've been digging around amazon, ebay, aliexpress, wiggles and more... and I've never really found the type of bags I'm looking for.
When they are slightly good enough for my needs, they are overpriced:
My needs are actually quite simple, I want a bag I'd fit on my bike that is:
- Able to contain my laptop (small macbook air 11") and have 2-3L of additional space for 100 * 18650 cells. Bag should be around 6 kg.
- Is quick release so I can bring it home every night with my bike parked outside
- Is relatively safe against thieves.
- Not looking too ugly or dumb as I'll also bring it to work from time to time... (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ryde-17l-Small-Motorcycle-Top/dp/B00CJC5E8U/ref=pd_sim_sbs_sg_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1PD09CP54S78MQN48Y21)
I was thinking to create my own bag with this:
Sewing machine:
Heavy duty needs:
Heavy duty thread:
Heavy duty fabric:
This way, I have for sure the bag I need to the exact size. What I envision to do:
- First thing would be to sew some quick release to my current backpack so it can fit to my bicycle.
- Then sew an additional battery bag with quick release to the seat post
- Create some custom frame bag with quick release.
- Create some customs bicycle bag so I can fold them inside and take the train with my bag.
Only issue is it's still tissue, so potentially someone can take a knife and open it... but it would still be a great improvement.
Good idea?
I've been digging around amazon, ebay, aliexpress, wiggles and more... and I've never really found the type of bags I'm looking for.
When they are slightly good enough for my needs, they are overpriced:
My needs are actually quite simple, I want a bag I'd fit on my bike that is:
- Able to contain my laptop (small macbook air 11") and have 2-3L of additional space for 100 * 18650 cells. Bag should be around 6 kg.
- Is quick release so I can bring it home every night with my bike parked outside
- Is relatively safe against thieves.
- Not looking too ugly or dumb as I'll also bring it to work from time to time... (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ryde-17l-Small-Motorcycle-Top/dp/B00CJC5E8U/ref=pd_sim_sbs_sg_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1PD09CP54S78MQN48Y21)
I was thinking to create my own bag with this:
Sewing machine:
Heavy duty needs:
Heavy duty thread:
Heavy duty fabric:
This way, I have for sure the bag I need to the exact size. What I envision to do:
- First thing would be to sew some quick release to my current backpack so it can fit to my bicycle.
- Then sew an additional battery bag with quick release to the seat post
- Create some custom frame bag with quick release.
- Create some customs bicycle bag so I can fold them inside and take the train with my bag.
Only issue is it's still tissue, so potentially someone can take a knife and open it... but it would still be a great improvement.
Good idea?