FINALLY! All the bits in one place. Stripped the kit of the old bike and got it fitted to the Carrera.
It took much longer than I thought, but then I was being a bit anal about the wiring, threading and re-threading cables to get neat runs.
In the end I decided just to use the switched brake levers that came with the kit. So they're silver levers instead of black, suppose I'll get over it
The workstand has been great, taking the weight of the bike complete with motor and battery.
Only two difficulties:
1: The PAS sensor ring fowled the bottom bracket ring when the chain ring was tightened onto the spline. Having removed the smallest chain ring, I drilled out the centre of the PAS and drilled two holes in it to suit chain ring mounting holes. This backed it away from the bottom bracket and works fine.
2: Can't find any handlebar room for my ting ting bell.
I'll put some 'photo's up tomorrow, after a ride to shake it down.
It took much longer than I thought, but then I was being a bit anal about the wiring, threading and re-threading cables to get neat runs.
In the end I decided just to use the switched brake levers that came with the kit. So they're silver levers instead of black, suppose I'll get over it
The workstand has been great, taking the weight of the bike complete with motor and battery.
Only two difficulties:
1: The PAS sensor ring fowled the bottom bracket ring when the chain ring was tightened onto the spline. Having removed the smallest chain ring, I drilled out the centre of the PAS and drilled two holes in it to suit chain ring mounting holes. This backed it away from the bottom bracket and works fine.
2: Can't find any handlebar room for my ting ting bell.
I'll put some 'photo's up tomorrow, after a ride to shake it down.