I'm aiming to buy an electric tricycle. I'm not sure whether to opt for a trike with the electric motor already built in - there doesn't seem to be very much choice of these in the UK, or keep my options open regarding the style and comfort of the trike itself by opting for a non powered trike and then find someone who can install a conversion kit to turn it into an electric one for me.
I'd need one with a throttle so that pedalling is not essential.
So my questions are: is there anything specific that I need to look out for or to avoid in a trike to ensure it can be converted? What are the options and costs roughly of having one converted? Are there major limitations I need to be aware of with a converted trike that one with built in electrics doesn't suffer from? And is it difficult to find a genius who can do the conversion (I live in the Midlands)?
I've already read many of the resources on this website but if there's any other advice you guys and gals can think of that I might need to know, that would be great.
I'd need one with a throttle so that pedalling is not essential.
So my questions are: is there anything specific that I need to look out for or to avoid in a trike to ensure it can be converted? What are the options and costs roughly of having one converted? Are there major limitations I need to be aware of with a converted trike that one with built in electrics doesn't suffer from? And is it difficult to find a genius who can do the conversion (I live in the Midlands)?
I've already read many of the resources on this website but if there's any other advice you guys and gals can think of that I might need to know, that would be great.