oh no the op wanted a non legal ebike, like i said fkn retard

u on crack as well
Definition of an e-bike retard.....
Someone who persistently and constantly promotes his/her supa-dupa electric moped on a forum started and supported by groups of people who SPECIFICALLY created the forum to help and support people who want to get involved with
pedelecs, which are fully legal electrically assisted bicycles, not electric mopeds.
Someone who constantly and persistently, declares they use drugs and can supply them to others (so alleging themselves to be drug dealers), who claim to have no regard for the laws of the land, and even offer violence to people who disagrees with their illegal use of electric mopeds.
Someone who posts pictures of their clothing while they ride, giving the police ample guidance on what to look for when searching for them, and who gave them a useful clue on their whereabouts many times by specifying where they use their electric moped. (Gloucester/Bristol.) And why might the police be looking for them, and not other food delivery persons using an illegal e-bike? Because on a public forum, they showed the world they owned and were prepared to use one or both of the zombie knives they own. And should phoning the forum owners for an IP address from which the owner of said zombie knives would be found (not giving them an IP address would risk forum owners getting arrested of course), using the address and details on court document SC286/17/00216 would provide all the necessary contact details anyway.
Someone or some people, who believe their take on what the world should like like, is what the world should be like.
Mistaken in the view, their attitude matters more than the great majority. Those who live and promote that attitude 'above the law' would be considered a 'bandit' in most other countries.
If anyone should bugger off, it's the bandits.
This is a public forum, not a Facebook page. Every person who writes here, is a potential ambassador for electrically assisted bicycles. Or is a reason for it to be treated like a function that should be banned.
Likely the great majority of pedestrians want bicycles banned, or moved to the roads with serious penalties for anyone who uses a bicycles anywhere but the road.
Just about every driver of a motor vehicle, would like to see bicycles banned, or at least banned from the road.
Pretty much the only people who want cycling increased, promoted, enjoyed, is cyclists. They are a tiny minority, in the general populace. Electrically assisted cycles are making the pastime more attractive, because it makes cycling less of a challenge, and more of a pleasure. People like me, come to places like this to learn, and get involved. But just like walking into a new pub, if I have to listen to a couple (or more) druggies or criminals shouting their mouths off about their latest criminal activity while in the pub, obviously I'm going to take my business elsewhere. I don't want to listen to criminals promoting their activities, or listen (in this case read) about them being abusive to someone or some people, who want to keep the pub (forum) promoting legal activities. This forum isn't and never has been, about promoting the use of illegal electric mopeds.
I wonder who pays for this forum. I suspect the likes of Wisper bikes, and maybe Whoosh bikes. I wonder how those paying for the site feel about their contributions being used to promote in a
very visible way, fitment and use of illegal electric motors? I wonder how they feel about their money being used to promote 'bandit' attitudes, drug use, and zombie knife ownership that comes with threats of violence. I very much doubt supporting those public claims, will do,
is doing their business much good. "Guilty" by association?
As to suggestions people promoting drugs/electric mopeds/zombie knife ownership is doing no harm, look at retention rates for new members. Do the older, more established members here,
really think threads like this, attitudes shown here, REALLY helps encourage membership, and participation in pedelec ownership?
Or attracts more people who ask for sources of illegal motors?
I'm done with this thread. Today I'll be going to work with no breakfast so I could write this, to challenge what I think is a bad influence here. It doesn't matter I haven't (yet) made 15000 posts, a bad influence is a bad influence. People who want to live outside the law, can do what they like, as I've said, I'm not their mother. But I'm not going to sit on my hands while they insult others for not supporting their illegal activity.
Nor should other members who want to promote
their ideals, which is (from I've been told by them) is the legal use of electrically assisted bicycles.