Hi all, Finally got round to sorting out my recumbent tandem. It's got a Crystalyte 408 Journey 36v 20a front hub motor. It had been cutting out, a switch off and on cured it. I found that the 3 Anderson connectors on the phase wires had been smashed and held back together with tape! I've now replaced these. I presume a break in connection of a phase wire/s caused the controller to shut off.
The PAS sensor isn't working, so no assist on pedalling, thought the throttle works fine.
So, I'd like to replace the controller, perhaps with this KT36v/20a - https://torquetech.co.uk/collections/controllers-lcd-displays/products/ebike-sensored-brushless-motor-controller-dc-36v-48v-500w-6-fet-20a-kt-sine-wave?variant=11443745161263. It does regen braking but doesn't mention the throttle connection.
I've just fitted a new throttle - the old one activated with a slight nudge!!! The original kit is of an age where a throttle is legal. I'd put a new pas on as a matter of course.
One thing I'm not clear about is connecting the motor wires correctly, 3 phase wires and 5 in a metal connector - I don't think there is a speed sensor, perhaps I can fit a separate speed sensor.
Any thoughts or advice before I buy and fit welcome.
On a positive note, I've just fitted a woosh brompton kit to the brompton, it's great, there's a goodly bit of torque with that 16" wheel. I like it.
The recumbent tandem is to take swmbo out on, she has Narcolepsy with Cataplexy so can't ride an ordinary bike or tandem, she'll be safe sat there stoking, feet strapped in with toe clips.
The PAS sensor isn't working, so no assist on pedalling, thought the throttle works fine.
So, I'd like to replace the controller, perhaps with this KT36v/20a - https://torquetech.co.uk/collections/controllers-lcd-displays/products/ebike-sensored-brushless-motor-controller-dc-36v-48v-500w-6-fet-20a-kt-sine-wave?variant=11443745161263. It does regen braking but doesn't mention the throttle connection.
I've just fitted a new throttle - the old one activated with a slight nudge!!! The original kit is of an age where a throttle is legal. I'd put a new pas on as a matter of course.
One thing I'm not clear about is connecting the motor wires correctly, 3 phase wires and 5 in a metal connector - I don't think there is a speed sensor, perhaps I can fit a separate speed sensor.
Any thoughts or advice before I buy and fit welcome.
On a positive note, I've just fitted a woosh brompton kit to the brompton, it's great, there's a goodly bit of torque with that 16" wheel. I like it.
The recumbent tandem is to take swmbo out on, she has Narcolepsy with Cataplexy so can't ride an ordinary bike or tandem, she'll be safe sat there stoking, feet strapped in with toe clips.