says it will fkn fall down in 24 years and the fkn retards put that inverter in the attic when they knew it could spread to next door or was that the plan to burn them all to the floor
3.3.7 Loft Space – Party Wall (a) The risk of fire and/or smoke to spread across the party wall should be eliminated. The risk of fire is generally quite small, but when a fire occurs the consequences can be serious. We recommend that where the risk of spread is higher, ie where large gaps around purlins and at ridge level are identified, remedial works should be undertaken immediately. Stroud District Council should adopt a policy of inspecting for this defect at all changes of tenancy, and carrying out works to seal any gaps at that time. Whenever works are undertaken to a property there should be an inspection and remedial work undertaken if necessary.
3.3.4 Remaining Life (a) No change since 2003, the retained PRC components should still have a remaining life of 30 years from now.
3.0 Airey 3.3 Conclusions & Recommendations Housing Committee 27 March 2018
Housing Defects Act 1984: PRC & defective properties
The Housing Defects Act of 1984 was a UK law introduced to address the issue of defects in new houses and flats. The Act was designed to protect homebuyers

Housing Defects Act 1984 (Hansard, 7 July 1986)
Housing Defects Act 1984 (Hansard, 7 July 1986)
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