They'll surely sell like hot cakes if packaged oblong - straight lines signal "Modern" - pillars vs caves, Arial, Helvetica vs Times New Roman, today's multithings' totally flat and straight with smallish rounded corners vs Xerox Alto's slightly curved but kinda straight lines:
Are we heading for a world filled with devices all as utterly flat and sharp cornered as Kubrick's monoloith from 2001? Will it feel like the future when someday, everything is made that way? And when it finally looks and feels like the future, will that signal the end of human life on earth, as we sense within our collective subconscious that we've reached the zenith of all technological progress possible here, having doomed life this planet? I expect most everyday objects which feature in our colonies elsewhere will be round and become progressively more monolith-like, as the cycle begins again, and continues until all objects in the entire universe are made oblong. And that's all the meaning there is to your life. (Space telescopes should be looking for polygons made by competing alien civillisations, which will herald The Polygon Wars)