A few decades back I was a 20 mile a week runner, but twenty years of running did the cartilage in my knee and I had to stop. Then I got into walking, which was great but I got bored with walking every path within half a day of my house and being chased around by livestock and bitten by fisherman’s dogs.
“I thought you said that your dog was ok?”
“He is”
“He’s just bitten me hard in the crutch!”
“ That’s not my dog.”
Which is when I got back into biking, which I had left after The Mountain Bike craze in the 1990’s.
I very nearly came aboard the E Bike revolution in around 2011, but several resources, including this forum, convinced me it was best to wait a while and I bought a Brompton M6L in racing green with a Brooks saddle which has done me well, stood up very well and is still a pleasure.
I am a Fifties man ,have many hobbies and interests, old enough to have watched the first Moon walk, always interested in history, space exploration, real ale, science, music, books, astronomy, Bristol City FC, motorsport, maps, playing instruments and birdwatching / wildlife. my list of ‘ex hobbies’ is even longer, including playing in bands.
I bought a Cube Kathmandu Hybrid Pro 500, CX motor about 1,200 miles back, it’s been great but I upgraded the saddle to a Brooks and the tyres to Schwalbe Marathon Plus. The rear wheel is now a very strong Shimano mountain bike wheel, after a nasty moment with a hole and a rock off road. My input is much stronger after seven months, the CX was a good choice at the time but I would probably get an active line plus now, largely because riding the CX much above the cut off is hard work on the flat. Also, as predicted by many forum members, it is no longer quiet.
I mostly ride for leisure, typically doing 15-20 miles a trip around my undulating circuit of fairly traffic free villages. It’s a cyclists race track, basically and I’m frequently passed by pelotons of lycra clad club cyclists, who all seem friendly enough. Me? Sometimes I ride hard for fitness and sometimes I take it easy and take my mini Leica binoculars with me for the birds. I can be fairly certain that I will see something very interesting if I haven’t got them and and load of pigeons and crows if I have got them! Anyway, last ride I found a Reed Warbler, feeding a juvenile on a canal bank, so always a chance of something interesting.
Before I bought the E Bike I was rather unfit. Now I’m aerobically fit, according to my fitbit, resting heart rate about 64, not too bad for an old ‘un.
Anyway, it’s not so much about that, it’s getting out in the countryside, watching a pair of kingfishers for half an hour ,or going out at night and counting the Glow Worms along the canal and riding along traffic free country lanes by moonlight. I’m recently retired and life is good.
Anyway, EVs are the future, I love the bike and I’m researching my first electric car.