My Story:
- I'm a life-time casual cyclist (1st picture taken on a trike aged 3 yrs - hah!)
- In the last 15 years I've toured thousands of miles with camping kit on my Dawes Super Galaxy
- Two years ago saw the first debilitating episode of Atrial Fibrillation followed by 3 months of only housebound activity before cardioversion allowed cycling again.
- 9 months later, rinse and repeat - another few months of zero cycling.
- I've seen the light (aided by my cardiologist's prognosis of repeat AF and intense cycling - I just loved big hills -
) and have recognised that although the mind is willing, the body is not.
- So as I ease into my 70th birthday, my beloved Dawes Super Galaxy and I are again reunited thanks to Mr Tong Sheng and a mid drive motor.
- Happy days