Carrera Vengeance E, can i attach a Throttle of any kind ?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 1, 2018
20180202_224502.jpg 20180202_224451.jpg 20180202_224446.jpg 20180202_223556.jpg 20180202_223541.jpg 20180202_223530.jpg 20180202_223524.jpg 20180202_223518.jpg 20180202_223513.jpg So basically i bought a £850 bike from halfords under the assumption that any E bike could have a throttle fitted because at the end of the day a computer/controller tells the motor to increase power to make the wheels turn.

Now i had terrible hips and a bad back and cant be ****** with this peddle assist cuz its not what i wanted in the first place.

i just want to attach a throttle to my E-Bike simple as.

iv been told stuff like i have a different type of controller with sealed wiring : {

i literally have no idea what any of that means but it does have a button on the main control panal that is a kind of throttle because if i press it the bikes moves without any pedal assistance but its like a walking pace.

so my question is can i fit a throttle to my e bike ? or if that seems not possible can i increase thr amount of power the walk assist button gives the motor ?

ill attach loads of photos of anything however there is no way of opening the controll panali tried and there are just no screws

iv attached the link to the bike on halfords aswell.

Help please thanks(in advance) -that me being hopeful there
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