Cabling / wiring / one-to-three connections


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 18, 2022
Hello all, good evening.

i'm working on an eBike where the cable that connects the controller to the throttle cluster (throttle / on-off switch/ LEDs), and also to the brakes, splits into 3 cables at the handlebar end , one cable for each of the brakes, and the third is for the throttle cluster. Each of these 3 cables ends in what i believe is a female Julet connector, the brake connectors have two pins (and are coloured red), the throttle connector has 6 pins and is coloured black.

I have been testing the continuity between the wires at the controller end of the cable, and the pins / conductors in the famale connectors at the handlebar end, i.e. within the Julet connectors. I have found that one of the wires in the Julet connect for the throttle, does not have an electrical connection to its wire at the other end (i.e at the controller end). All the other 5 wires connecting to the pins in that connector are fine.

Where the cable coming from the controller, that contains all the wires going to the handlebar end, splits into the 3 cables going to the brakes and throttle, it is encased in a black rubber/ plastic cylinder, so the one cable from the controller, running up the down tube goes in to the lower end of that cylinder, and the 3 cables emerge at the other end of this cylinder. This cylinder must be about 1 to 1.5 cm wide and maybe 5 cm long. I did take it to be a connector itself, but i have my doubts about that, maybe it's just a molding to weatherproof the one-to-three split.

Anyway, i have found the break in continuity appears to be contained within this molding / connector, i.e. where the one cable becomes 3, as i cut into the cable either end of this molding, and there is continunity between the exposed wire on the controller-facing end of the modling and the controller end of the wire, and there is continunity between the exposed wire on the other end of the molding , and the pin in the julet connector for the throttle. So it would appear that there is some kind of break within that cylinder.

So I was hoping to obtain a replacement. But having searched on eBay, Amazon, and AliExpress, i have not so far found a match. I can find one-to-two splitters, but not one-to-three. I suppose ultimately it does not have to have the same configuration again, I could just obtain 3 individual cables , one for each of the brakes and one for the throttle,, or maybe even a one-to-two for the brakes. And if i use 3 individual cables, at least it would eliminate the junction where one becomes 3, so as to prevent that becoming a repeat source of failure. But if anyone happens to know if one-to-three cables are commonly available, I'd be glad to hear of it (and where to find one etc).

Sometimes (in my more exasperated moments) I think that i might just as well cut all these blasted plugs out of the situation, and just solder the wires together, at least then I would be able to see exactly what was going on at the joints. My only concern then is making it weather proof, but i reckon that with judicious use of heatshrink and silicon sealant, i could make a pretty good job of that

Also, can someone advise - are Julet connectors, the same as Bafang / Higo. In some adverts, I see connectors that look just like mine (i.e. what i take to be Julet) being described as Bafang and or Higo.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
I learnt of the existence of marine grade heat shrink after visiting this site, it has a hot glue element so use when sure its the last time, as its much harder to remove ;)

afaik julet and higo are 2 different but similar looking systems


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
The six pin connector is for an LCD or other control panel, not a throttle. Maybe if you show us what bike, controller and control panel you have, we might be able to help.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Pics are the way fwd to show us that which you already have.
Higo & julet look similar and mate perfectly well, issue is they are incompatible as the wiring sequence isn't the same .


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 18, 2022
The six pin connector is for an LCD or other control panel, not a throttle. Maybe if you show us what bike, controller and control panel you have, we might be able to help.
i'm working on an eBike where the cable that connects the controller to the throttle cluster (throttle / on-off switch/ LEDs)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 18, 2022
Pics are the way fwd to show us that which you already have.
Higo & julet look similar and mate perfectly well, issue is they are incompatible as the wiring sequence isn't the same .
Hello Neal

Thank you for your advice. Yes, I will try and get some pictures. When you say incompatible, I take you to mean, in the colour of the wires ? So the colour connected to the pin of a Julet connector, that is mated to the equivalent pin of a Higo connector, would have a wire of a different colour to Julet's pin ? Is that it ? I assume so , as you said "mate perfectly well", so presumably that means that the pins are in the same positions. If it is the colour of the wires, then as long as one is aware of that, there shouldn't be a problem i think ?
How about Bafang connectors, where do they fit into this (if at all) ?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 18, 2022
By the way, the replacement KT controller that i have, has a white plastic plug with 6 pins, on the end of the motor halls. I found a website that showed a picture of what appeared to be the same thing, and described it as a "Molex" connector. Is that a name / term that is generally recognised in the UK ? I ask as i will have to find a matching plug to go into it (or change the plug for something else). Again i appreciate that a picture would help. Thanks.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Hello Neal

Thank you for your advice. Yes, I will try and get some pictures. When you say incompatible, I take you to mean, in the colour of the wires ? So the colour connected to the pin of a Julet connector, that is mated to the equivalent pin of a Higo connector, would have a wire of a different colour to Julet's pin ? Is that it ? I assume so , as you said "mate perfectly well", so presumably that means that the pins are in the same positions. If it is the colour of the wires, then as long as one is aware of that, there shouldn't be a problem i think ?
How about Bafang connectors, where do they fit into this (if at all) ?
The incompatibilty with the two connectors is the wiring sequence as I mentioned , a pin on the Julet will be 5v whilst the same pin on a Higo is either Gnd or signal.
With the moulded connectors one can't change the wiring unless one chops the wires to rejoin them.
If one thinks that one can use both types of connectors in the same set up then the system won't work as plug and play without modification.

There is some compatibilitly with wire colours , 5v tends to be red occasionally brown, Gnd Black occasionally yellow.
Signal wiring tends to be any other colour , pink, blue ,green , white , yellow etc, etc.
