I have a Wisper SE and it's a great bike, but it's not as fast as a Torq 1. I understand from JimmyEngland's posts (he has owned both) that the SE gives the same performance in unrestricted mode as the E - it's not faster (indeed, John, compared to your performance it sounds like it may be a little slower). It is driven by the gearing of the motor. The Wisper guys designed it to be pretty fast and have better hill-climbing and range than a Torq, and I think they have achieved those three objectives. Mine does 17-19 mph on the flat, rather than 20-22 mph as torq users report, but the range is c35 miles and it struggled up a 1 in 8 hill the other week. It's also a pedelec, as you point out, John, while the Torq is throttle only, which I believe makes the Wisper a lot more pleasant to ride.
As a fairly fit cyclist, can ride my non-electric bike faster than I can ride the Wisper, other than up moderately steep hills where it is in its element. Nowadays I do my 12-mile each way commute on a non-electric and tend to do it quicker than when I used the Wisper. For speed, non-electric is better for me. If I was less fit, or felt like sitting back and having a rest, the Wisper would be a better option!
As a fairly fit cyclist, can ride my non-electric bike faster than I can ride the Wisper, other than up moderately steep hills where it is in its element. Nowadays I do my 12-mile each way commute on a non-electric and tend to do it quicker than when I used the Wisper. For speed, non-electric is better for me. If I was less fit, or felt like sitting back and having a rest, the Wisper would be a better option!
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