A generally good condition for age Brompton about 2003 vintage. 3 speed hub gear and with new rear rack fitted a couple of years ago. Professionally converted with a Sparticle Extreme Ebike kit about 5 years ago. Very powerful kit operated by a twist throttle. The kit has a front wheel hub motor and comes with a 48v 18ah Lithium Polymer (Lipo) battery. Unlike Li-on batteries, Lipo can last up to 10 years. In full working order, wiring updated by Electric Transport Shop last month. Range will depend on many factors. If throttle is used only when needed and you pedal most of the time you can expect to easily cover 50+ miles. On throttle alone, maybe 20-25. The battery and controller is located in a Carradice canvas front bag with space for additional items. I can supply the original front fork and wheel and various other extras if required. Includes original fast charger. For reference, a new Brompton with this kit fitted today would cost you around £2400.
Offers over £800.

As the Brompton is a small wheeled bike and this is a very powerful kit, this is for confident cyclists only.
Offers over £800.

As the Brompton is a small wheeled bike and this is a very powerful kit, this is for confident cyclists only.