Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
The Irish Times, a news organ perhaps a little more objective than those British-based examples, has this view on matters:


They'll get no argument from me!

The Irish Times, which we would view as the most authoritative of the Irish papers ,is now run by a trust. Traditionally,it would have been the paper linked with the Anglo Irish Ascendancy.. the civil servants linked with the Crown,.

Since Irish independence,it has struck a more independent stance,evoking older Protestant High Church ethics of a liberalism eg. Pro family planning, Pro divorce,, same sex "marriage ", when these would have been athema to any group think.

Least there should be any confusion on the matter, Irish public ,and indeed private opinion ,in the RoI is solidly behind the EU ,and is strongly of the belief that BREXIt in any shape or form is a bad idea..both for us and our friends in the UK, no matter how misguided. We take no joy in the misfortune which will surely arise.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Absolutely not, that's manipulating the result to split the Remain vote.

The choice has to be binary on the proposed deal, Leave or Remain like last time.
I only reported what Justine Greening said on BBC1, her view.
Personally, I don't think we should call another referendum because democracy works best when people make informed choices, like choosing one representative among several possible candidates in a regular GE.
reduction to simple yes/no should be left to the experts who can better judge the small differences.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Attention Readers!!

Please check your Villages for missing Idiots

Corbyn says Brexit can't be stopped, Starmer says it can. Abbot warns against second ref, Thornberry says still an option. Thornberry says Labour won't back deal, Chapman says they might.


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Oct 25, 2006
I only reported what Justine Greening said on BBC1, her view.
Personally, I don't think we should call another referendum because democracy works best when people make informed choices, like choosing one representative among several possible candidates in a regular GE.
reduction to simple yes/no should be left to the experts who can better judge the small differences.
The trouble is that the people have made an uninformed choice having been unwisely given that chance.

The only way chance of undoing that damage now is a repeat of the same referendum, held in the light of the people's greater knowledge now of the consequences. That would probably take us back to where we were in early 2016, with such matters left to the government as they should be.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Attention Readers!!

Please check your Villages for missing Idiots

Corbyn says Brexit can't be stopped, Starmer says it can. Abbot warns against second ref, Thornberry says still an option. Thornberry says Labour won't back deal, Chapman says they might.


Just did tommie, the only one that answered was yours!:D:D:D
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Oct 25, 2006
I do indeed 'flecc'! It hasn't escaped my notice that both the tory attendees today, along with the pink tories and that man for all seasons, Vince Cable, (he might still be a laughable demorat but one can never be certain as he changes his politics so often.)

The Crombie overcoat of course; an essential part of any gentleman's wardrobe in town, as worn by shady politicians, Arfur Daley, several well-heeled gangsters and a host of Nigel Farage lookalikes in the City and at Canary Wharf, frequently replete with velvet collar……but not, it seems, by honest brokers of a socialist and humanitarian bent.

I wondered if anyone would remark on the two amusing aspects of the photo I posted, but no-one has. So I'm repeating it below to show these.

Margaret Thatcher and David Steel have immaculately circular wreaths but Michael Foot in his donkey jacket has one that looks as though it's met with an accident on the way there.

And look who is walking behind them. It's Geoffrey Howe who once remarked that Margaret Thatcher had beautiful ankles. It seems that even on remembrance day he had them on his mind.



Esteemed Pedelecer
I wondered if anyone would remark on the two amusing aspects of the photo I posted, but no-one has. So I'm repeating it below to show these.

Margaret Thatcher and David Steel have immaculately circular wreaths but Michael Foot in his donkey jacket has one that looks as though it's met with an accident on the way there.

And look who is walking behind them. It's Geoffrey Howe who once remarked that Margaret Thatcher had beautiful ankles. It seems that even on remembrance day he had them on his mind.

I didn't actually pick up on those points 'flecc' then I got hung up trying to think of the name of the fellow on the left - the name Alec Douglas-Home eventually sprung to mind but I was astonished at the resemblance in this particular photo…….if you half-close your eyes and squint a bit, to one Martin McGuinness.

How time flies; the only one of that groump still with us is Steel and he's now an octogenarian! I hope I managed to identify Douglas-Home correctly?

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Oct 25, 2006
I didn't actually pick up on those points 'flecc' then I got hung up trying to think of the name of the fellow on the left - the name Alec Douglas-Home eventually sprung to mind but I was astonished at the resemblance in this particular photo…….if you half-close your eyes and squint a bit, to one Martin McGuiness.

How time flies; the only one of that groump still with us is Steel and he's now an octogenarian! I hope I managed to identify Douglas-Home correctly?

Yes that was Alec Douglas-Home, quite aged with time. I can see what you mean about the resemblance to Martin McGuiness, a slightly slimmer version.

Hopefully mentioning him won't make Tommie foam at the mouth, shouting Never, Never, Never in true Ian Paisley style. ;)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Deliberate disinformation by the BBC and other mainstream media?

Apparently, Jeremy Corbyn said that Labour can't stop 'Brexit' in the sense that his Party has no parliamentary authority and certainly no majority to so do.

What he certainly did not say was that 'Brexit' could not be stopped.

This kind of brainwashing/mindbending has been going on for most of my life and that is why we are in such a mess today; the dumbing-down of society has been achieved in spades!



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Deliberate disinformation by the BBC and other mainstream media?
DER SPIEGEL: Not just Labour, but the whole country is extremely divided at the moment -- not least because of Brexit. If you could stop Brexit, would you?

Corbyn: We can't stop it. The referendum took place. Article 50 has been triggered. What we can do is recognize the reasons why people voted Leave.

It seems clear enough to me. He won't stop brexit.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Now I saw this as humorous but with an element of truth contained in it:


Someone rather took exception to it and responded thus:

Nadine Wylie As one of your ‘parents’, I feel I must disabuse you of this myth which is being perpetuated by both left and right.

Ours is the generation raised on rationed food, post war gloom and basic primary education. Ours is the generation who, as children had two sets of clothing; one for school and another for ‘best’. Ours is the generation whose parents and grandparents, even when capable and desirous of education, left school at 12 to work in dirty, demanding and life sapping manual jobs.

Ours is the generation who were offered an opportunity, through hard work and years of study to achieve in professions previously held exclusively by the privileged few. Ours is the generation whose idea of a night out, even when working, was a trip to the Chinese with saved luncheon vouchers. Ours is the generation who set up home in damp bed sits and, when the mortgage was entered into, moved into our first homes, with a bed and a furniture, no fridge, no washing machine. Ours is the generation who enjoyed wet and chilly holidays on grotty British campsites when our children had arrived and on European campsites when they reached adolescence ( if we were lucky! ).

Successive governments, bankers, city cons and a society which has been programmed to want everything yesterday, have, and continue to, create a mean spirited, grasping society. Pitting generation against generation will achieve little other than bitterness and envy. As a liberal, ardent ‘Remainer’ whose entire working life was in the community, I resent being ticked off for having reached the autumn of my life.

How liberal is that? I wonder if she had her sense of humour by-pass on the NHS or went private?

It's often been said, 'You don't stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing!'



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I still believe that TM and Michel Barnier have already got a secret deal but they have to get it through parliament against apparently unsurmountable opposition. Little by little, the debate is no longer on finding a word to call the EU's customs union, it has become accepted that we will still be in the customs union in 2021 and possibly even after. It costs the EU nothing to throw TM a lifeline so she could save some face which is to allow the UK to exercise a break close in 2022 after the GE.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Over the pond they use the same logic as is employed here!

Just substitute Referendum for Recount....
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